Item/Equipment Hunting For The Non-HLBC - A Discussion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. I made it.
  2. I mean how did u get the value to plot the graph?

    Repetitive testing? Can u plz show us how u did the test and raw data?
  3. I just took the total amount of gold made per day, which I show the derivation for in the first pic, and had excel multiply it by 2 over 14 days for each EB.

    Then I created a new scatter plot and added a trendline, axis titles, and pretty colors.
  4. I made 15 bil in one haunt. I got 9 unloads
  5. Sorry 11 unloads in plus ITems to myself
  6. So basically you extrapolated the data.
  7. You must have used at least 5 crystals. This thread was meant to compare the two EBs without using crystals.

    Actually, it doesn't matter. Even if you max crystal on either EB, Haunting still pays twice as much no matter which way you slice it.
  8. Extrapolated? Do you even know what that word means? :lol:
  9. I used 6 on a 5 hour haunt.

    I usually do 6 bil on a 2 hour haunt
  10. Besides, ambush pays way better than haunting for me
  11. What? Data extrapolation? Or was I thinking of a different word?
  12. Im sorry but the guy who posted before me is full of bs...
  13. Sorry platinum was talking about devil...
  14. Your mouth is full of bs
  15. I have 461 xstals (used to be 1073) and look at the EB history of Ryu.
  16. [​IMG]

    Now, when my stats were 4.5 m comb I could make way more
  17. Btw that's only a 3.3 hour haunting.
  18. Devil, check yo pm
  19. And charge your ideviceî„…
  20. -SA- I'm perm silenced what do you want to join? PE or my destructions?