Item Drop Theory

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *For_Terror (01), Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Chance when you are first
  2. Look at this I'm number 23 and I got the third item Only did 99 action and I got the item

  3. Here's a theory.
    It's complete chance, and could be similar to Gambling.
    Ok, say your are playing the gambling game with the red/black squares with numbers (the name escapes me right now). Ok, now think of it as a much larger board, and every player starts off with only 1 block. Then, as you're in the EB you get more blocks (better % for the item) as you do actions. Though, being the type of gambling game it is, there can be only one winner (if going strictly by number and not someone betting on All Red/Black, Evens/Odds). Meaning only 1 person in the EB can receive said item, or an item.(meaning only 1 person can get, say the sword, or only 1 person can get each piece, like 1 person gets the sword and another gets armor) This theory is just what I contemplated as I read.