Item Drop Theory

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *For_Terror (01), Mar 4, 2012.

  1. That's all lies.. It really is Random
  2. I evolved. I am no longer wind. I AM A TORNADOOOOOOOOO!!! w00t!
  3. since this game is Java coded it can't be random. It has to be a formula to find the item. That's how this whole thread got started, actually.
  4. @Flaming, I play golf in Hurricanes, you mean nothing to me. don't make me get -Hestia- on you.
  5. This is exactly how it works.

    Everyone who joins the eb has their names put into a hat. They then mix the hat and give it to an ape to pick 1 or more names. Sometimes the ape will become angry due to it having to keep picking names and refuses to pick a name.

    That is how it works.
  6. What kind of idiot plays golf in hurricanes . But anyway, i think the item drop is given to people with a certain amount of succesful actions, cuz on my main these 2 peeps got armor and they had about the same number of succesful actions
  7. sigh.

    Once again, since KaW is JAVA CODED it CAN'T BE RANDOM.

    there has to be a mathimatical equation to find the formula for the drop. It could be as easy as the 11th player to join the eb gets the drop (If completed) or as hard as what's listed above.
  8. @flaming, people have gotten the item with 3-11 sucessful hits. If you actually read the thread I mentioned that. It's pretty colors I know how kids like pretty colors.
  9. Okay time to teach java.

    This is how it can kinda work. Lets say everyone who joins gets a number 1-(how many members that joined)

    Then you can use this code :

    import java.util.Random;

    /** Generate 10 random integers in the range 0..99. */
    public final class RandomInteger {
      public static final void main(String... aArgs){
        log("Generating 10 random integers in range 0..99.");
        //note a single Random object is reused here
        Random randomGenerator = new Random();
        for (int idx = 1; idx <= 10; ++idx){
          int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(100);
          log("Generated : " + randomInt);
      private static void log(String aMessage){

    Example run of this class :

    Generating 10 random integers in range 0..99.
    Generated : 44
    Generated : 81
    Generated : 69
    Generated : 31
    Generated : 10
    Generated : 64
    Generated : 74
    Generated : 57
    Generated : 56
    Generated : 93

    Example 2

    This example generates random integers in a specific range.

    import java.util.Random;
    /** Generate random integers in a certain range. */
    public final class RandomRange {
      public static final void main(String... aArgs){
        log("Generating random integers in the range 1..10.");
        int START = 1;
        int END = 10;
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int idx = 1; idx <= 10; ++idx){
          showRandomInteger(START, END, random);
      private static void showRandomInteger(int aStart, int aEnd, Random aRandom){
        if ( aStart > aEnd ) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start cannot exceed End.");
        //get the range, casting to long to avoid overflow problems
        long range = (long)aEnd - (long)aStart + 1;
        // compute a fraction of the range, 0 <= frac < range
        long fraction = (long)(range * aRandom.nextDouble());
        int randomNumber =  (int)(fraction + aStart);    
        log("Generated : " + randomNumber);
      private static void log(String aMessage){

    An example run of this class :

    Generating random integers in the range 1..10.
    Generated : 9
    Generated : 3
    Generated : 3
    Generated : 9
    Generated : 4
    Generated : 1
    Generated : 3
    Generated : 9
    Generated : 10
    Generated : 10

    Example 3

    This example generates random floating point numbers in a Gaussian (normal) distribution.

    import java.util.Random;

    Generate pseudo-random floating point values, with an 
    approximately Gaussian (normal) distribution.
    Many physical measurements have an approximately Gaussian 
    distribution; this provides a way of simulating such values. 
    public final class RandomGaussian {
      public static void main(String... aArgs){
        RandomGaussian gaussian = new RandomGaussian();
        double MEAN = 100.0f; 
        double VARIANCE = 5.0f;
        for (int idx = 1; idx <= 10; ++idx){
          log("Generated : " + gaussian.getGaussian(MEAN, VARIANCE));
      private Random fRandom = new Random();
      private double getGaussian(double aMean, double aVariance){
          return aMean + fRandom.nextGaussian() * aVariance;
      private static void log(Object aMsg){

    An example run of this class :

    Generated : 99.38221153454624
    Generated : 100.95717075067498
    Generated : 106.78740794978813
    Generated : 105.57315286730545
    Generated : 97.35077643206589
    Generated : 92.56233774920052
    Generated : 98.29311772993057
    Generated : 102.04954815575822
    Generated : 104.88458607780176
    Generated : 97.11126014402141

    to pick the winners.
    There you go terror. :)
    Dont believe it works. Try it.
    Random number generator in java.
  10. I appreciate it.

    I honestly still don't think it's random due to a handfull of people recieving the drop in FoD hitting at 50% and also at 19% then xtaling 6 times.
  11. Now can we settle that it is a random drop?
  12. Lol I'll show you how many hits I got in the FoD


    that's how many hits I got in
    And look


    And don't say it was the treasure because ive gotten the treasure b4 and I got no sword look


    And look at the place I was in b4 I've gotten the sword


    So yea like I said its Random :roll:
  13. If you want to see random number generator in java please go to page 3
  14. I honestly still don't think it's random due to a handfull of people recieving the drop in FoD hitting at 50% and also at 19% then xtaling 6 times.
  15. Lol sry wrong pic
    [​IMG] this is it 
  16. :lol: op believe what you want I have proof how I many actions I got and how it happened.. Mines didn't happen they way the other ppl said
  17. Sok a very active member in my brother's clan got 1000 actions every fod. He made all items he xtalled 6 times but it took him 20-30 fods for sword. Someone in clan got 1 unload at the beginning and went MIA. He was first to get sword.

    Someone soloed destroyer (I think so because I remember reading it in the forums) yet he/she got no drop. If there was a sweetspot it would have been hit. It is truly random. Devs learned from the pwar incident and made sure this was not abusable.
  18. If it is random how do you explain that a handful of people got the sword hitting at the percentages?