It just seems unfair

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *emorockstar- (01), Jul 27, 2012.

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  1. Lol if u are 9 u lazy little loser ur not too god damn young for a job. Go mow a lawn. Shave ur moms back. Do something to earn a buck. Too young to work my ass
  2. I can guarantee I have more money than most and it's people like you that assume things and make yourself look silly. This is not about having or not having money, it's about NOT choosing to spend it here and that is it, period.
  3. Alright drog I dont need a sixth silence ur right
  4. Again. Kids these days. Shouldn't u be out playing with fire ants somewhere?
  5. Lol quit feeding the troll, and I'll bet he quits biting u. Idiots
  6. Mickey, I have decided that we no longer need the game as form of entertainment when you are around bro. Cheers!
  7. True DAT drogpeace out Mickey the but raper
  8. @op. Quit crying because you don't qualify for the all star war. I'm in the top 5k and I don't much on this game, a few xstals here and there. Plus I bet I have 20x more war experience than you thought about having.

    Yes there are many big stat noobs who will get in the all star war but there are also many that are experienced and earned the right. Same as many who did the sumner wars only did it for the hopes of big rewards or achievements. That's why the number of clans participating have dropped. Most weren't true war clans, just big stat eb/nob clans that realized they don't have what it takes to war
  9. When was any of that ever in dispute last poster?? LoL! Another nut to add to the mix
  10. Drog I'm tired of Mickey spewing **** from his mouth night
  11. Drog, at one point all subjects were points of complaint by op
  12. My clan is top ranked clan in the summer war tournament for your information and if you had read my previous posts you would already know that.  I agree with their being a mix of totally earned and hybrid (paid for and time spent) top players in this game, that was never in question. I have not once whined or wanted to be in an ALL STAR war and I have not been in many wars, maybe 6 or so. So, what exactly was your point? I am certainly not a NOOB or "NUB" (as dubbed by angel, whatever the hell that is!) player, and simply agree with the idea to make a similar war for smaller members that would enjoy participating. This does not take any glory away from the BEST, TOP stat players of this game! In essence, it has nothing to do with the aforementioned players.
  13. Agreed, X. G'night bro
  14. The all star war is separate from the war tourney. The war tourney finals let the top 8 prestige clans war each other for the special rewards. You do not have to be in the top 5000 to war in the tourney finals. Read the threads on the war tourney before misconstruing. /lock
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