It just seems unfair

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *emorockstar- (01), Jul 27, 2012.

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  1. But top players can choose which one they want to join too. So we can get good strats. For last one about 10 clans (at the least) will go on the longest tournament.
  2. Ok op, why do you want to be in them so badly? If you really want to, then grow.
    And yes I know this sounds bad, but the devs don't give a **** if people didn't pay money to get there. There letting the people who paid there way to the lb to be in the all star war.
  3. I personally do not have much interest or care if I am in an ALL STAR war. I simply have fun playing the game. As it is my clan is currently in a top ranking position in the summer war tournament and I am not always able to participate, so the war aspect is not the issue. I just believe that there should be a platform for all stats to show what they are made of, that's it.
  4. WWE, who are you replying to?
  5. X, look what you started bro!Haha! Everything in this game becomes a ridiculous debate. We all enjoy the game, that much is clear, so the way in which we enjoy it should not matter...
  6. OP, you don't deserve to be in All-Stars War. I've participated in the ones so far and there were always a few clueless nubs in clan. Last thing we want is more of your kind.

    And nobbing isn't the only way to make it to ASW. At least if you didn't nob enough (a basic HLBC acct will not qualify). The option to participate was open to top 2k during the first war, then 5k - that's more then enough. Spy stats / Battles play a key role in overall ranking. Even if you aren't HLBC, you can still qualify. There are non HLBC accts in top 5k.
  7. Drognan, funny how people like you try to bash players who spend. For most players, it's the money they've earned from working - they choose to spend on entertainment. You want a better treatment because you're spending time struggling to upgrade and there are people who are spending time earning money and pay to upgrade. You know what that means? Their time is worth more, it's more valuable. They'll be ahead of you in game because they're able to use the same amount of time and contribute the earnings to upgrade.

    KaW is just a form of entertainment , don't be mad if others aren't poor clowns like yourself and are paying for the servers this game is on.

    Someone also mentioned achievement bonuses. I dunno about 2012 ASW bonuses but I'm still waiting for my 2010 and 2011 ones.
  8. Angel,shut the **** up won't ya DROGNAN isn't a clown he's simply giving his input u bastard get outa my thread
  9. Someone is angry ...
  10. Anyway, make me leave, you nub, go read the ToU you pitiful whiner. Both of my posts are right on topic. Another nub radiating madness, you raging freaks complain more then you actually play the game.

    Every year there are little accounts like yours demanding a NubWars instead of the ASW. Every year they get ridiculed. Then they try to come up with their own wars since they feel extremely rejected and outcasted. It's tragic but deserved.
  11. Whatever you little ass wipe don't disrespect my friends though
  12. What are you gonna do about it nub? Want me to strip that idiot too and really get your rage meter going?
  13. Lol u noob u have a place to showcase ur skills already. Jts the summer wars. Ur too small and stupid to be in ASW. U couldn't be in awa even if u were top 5k. Cuz ur just an ass hat. And I'll bet u cry for forgiveness when angels thru u foolish little poor welfare child
  14. I don't give a **** u ass holes u little shits are sad because u know I actually worked for these stats and u paid to get those.wellfair child?I think it's time to clean out your bong buddy and throw out the crack
  15. And use what your paying for the game with for rehab
  16. Lol my bong is clean. So is my ass crack. Smells like roses. And ur noobtears taste like rainbows. So u worked on building ur stats on a game. Whoopty. I worked on getting real life money, then exchanging said money to collect the noobtears. Suck it up u *****lifes a *****. Us people with money are always gonna on u without it. Get used to it.
  17. Thanks for the loyalty bro, but save your effort. These two are certainly not worth getting silenced over. There are no words to describe how completely ridiculous and OFF TOPIC both Angel and raging lunatic, I mean, Mickey's comments are...LMAO! Angel basically regurgitated the same insane sentiments as Mickey, perhaps just in a slightly more eloquent manner. I do not react to threats and can simply laugh at the fact that Angel is such an angry individual that she PERCEIVED I was "Upset" with those that spent money. How sad. As I told Mickey before, go and actually READ my post and you will learn that I never once wrote that those that spend money here as a form of entertainment should not do so, not even once. I did not condemn those of you that do it either. Stop arguing just to argue. This is freedom of speech, get a clue.
  18. Lol maybe I'm too young for a job ever think of that ya sperm burper
  19. Rehaba place to meet other druggies who are gonna relapse with u on release. Yay just what I always wanted. New drug connections. Pfffft some people children these days
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