we have sent soldiers to die in most parts of the world that will never end whether you like it or not get use to reality Iran is not our friend nor is it a friend to israel. They are the closest ally we have when iran chooses to leap like most people who like to and think they know it all you are is keyboard warrior i hope that if we ever get invaded your ass is put in the front line not that you will last long from your previous post you most likely would be a coward and run for the hills. Get back to me when your nuts drop son.
@ lILIlElITIlSIlPlILIlAIlYlI Having been a soldier I'm well aware of where we've sent soldiers to die. The fact that we've gotten into stupid wars before isn't a good reason to get into a stupid war now. Nor is to prove you have "nuts" which, by the way, really doesn't prove you do as long as you're sending other people's kids off to die and not doing any of the fighting yourself. You don't start wars to show people you're a real man with "nuts". You fight wars as a last resort and when you have no other choice. If you were an adult and not a child, you'd know that.
Letsplay why do you say Israel is Americas closest ally? Pretty sure the UK the rest of NATO Australia New Zealand and the other countries that just spent years bleeding and dying alongside the USA in Afghanistan and Iraq would consider themselves close allies. Israel on the other hand just hides behind the USA's veto when people try to use the UN to get them to follow some international laws. Also if they are such great allies why did they strafe a clearly marked is US flagged vessel killing USN and NSA crew? The Stars and Stripes flying from the main mast not a big enough hint I guess.
Bibi is a war criminal. Obama wanted to stop financing his genocide. Netan is also an ingrate. His Nation receives a lot of financial help yet he wants to dictate how we should act. Israel deserves way better than that human trash.
That would be the USS Liberty, attacked by Israel on 8 June 1967. 34 crew were killed and 171 crew members wounded. Israel claimed it was a mistake though survivors of the attack say it was deliberate. Like you said, it's kinda hard to miss the big flipping US flag flying when you're strafing it. I'm not really sure why people claim Israel is our closest ally. I've never considered them as such. An ally, yes, but hardly our closest one. I can't really think of what huge favors they've ever done for us, and they've damn sure caused us a lot of problems. I'm not anti Israel, but then I'm not anti Iran either. I don't see the need to rush off and attack Iran while there are other options available. Because they're building a bomb? Please. If we aren't wetting our pants over Pakistan having them why are we wetting our pants over Iran? Because Iran doesn't like us? Neither does Pakistan. Then there's the elephant in the room no one likes to talk about. Israel's nukes. Israel has nuclear weapons. We know it. Iran knows it. Everyone knows it. If Israel is so flipping afraid of Iran they should come right out and say we have nukes and we'll use them if attacked. Problem solved. They won't though because A) It would justify Iran's attempts to build a bomb themselves, and B) It will expose Israel for the flipping hypocrites they are. They're the ONLY nuclear power in the middle east (people think Saudi Arabia bought some, but there's no proof) and they want to keep it that way. Either way, I'm not in favor of sending Americans to die in Iran just so Israel can maintain their nuclear monopoly. Israel has the means and the weapons to attack Iran. If they're so afraid of Iran they can do it themselves. And if American conservatives are so gung ho to do it, they can go join the IDF and help.
Pakistan is part of UN peace keeping. They also played a role in the Battle of Mogadishu. Most of us remember black hawk down I'm sure. Beyond their obvious issue with India, I don't think it's fair to compare Pakistan and Iran. Although Pakistan is the one most pro-Iran countries in the world. They also supported Iran in the Iran-Iraq war. Duel threat. IMO.
Being real. I think people are going to be fighting over there with us, or without us. The Saudis have built a sand wall across there Iraqi borer. The Egyptians are trying to align with Russia and Israel. Israel. Who is finding itself with Arab allies. They are just the wrong allies depending on who you ask. The Iranians have guard units and high ranking Military everywhere. Insurgents in ISIS. A Syrian Civil War. Chechens!! Westerner, Easterners. What a hell hole. I feel bad for those people. All of them. Oh don't forget the Kurds. They want a breakaway country. From Turkey, Iran and Iraq. I can't support a Iranian nuclear arsenal. That's insane. They can't mind their own business over there. None of them. No nukes please. Please no more nukes.
The foreign and domestic policy actions of the state of Israel fit every international legal definition of "terrorist organization."
But gas prices are low. I guess we can get some of our money back there. We can thank Russia and the Saudis for that. Unless you are a oil man. I'm not.
What does Russia and Saudi have to do with oil prices in the U.S I believe the private sector has been producing oil and putting it on the market which is driving the price for a barrel of oil yes Saudi or opec is still producing the same amount of oil but Russia cannot survive on 43$ for a barrel of oil the oil price has to be atleast 119$ for them to make any money.
Wasn't the point of the whole discussions being held in Vienna to find away to allow Iran to build a Non weapons based nuclear industry? Using the nuclear tech for power generation ? Allows them to have some of the sanctions lifted to try and rejoin the family of nations ?
Israel is a terrorist nation. They regularly murder civilians for political reasons Imagine the wrath that would come down on Palestine if they started bulldozing homes in jewish settlements and killing anyone who stood in their way. The zionist media has complete control over the minds of many Americans.
It has everything to do. The "war" for oil is not ment for you to fill up your tank cheaper. Is for industry profits. For multinational corporations profits. Corporations that outsourced most part of production. Even if USA produce now cheaper the transport of oil to China, Pakistan, India, etc is not very efficient. That's why Middle East will always be important. Again, nobody actually go to war for you to buy cheaper gas.
Wait until sanctions are lifted on Iran. They can flood the oil market even more. Making it even cheaper. Speculation. I wonder how Russia would deal with that? On a side note. $500 mil in military aid went missing in Yemen. According to the Washington Post. No one knows who got it. Iranian backed militants or al-Qaeda. The Saudis are not the friendliest with Russia. They are helping keep prices low for the economic war on Russia, but also the strengthen their own hand. It's hurting the oil boom in the states as well. It's just our economy can handle the lose.
Who is the biggest enabler to Iran and nuclear capabilities? Who actually has the most to gain from sanctions on Iran?
Of course its about who can handle a low oil price for longer time. This is what an economical war means. USA is not relying on trading oil. Yes, oil industry is making less profit as of today. But cheaper oil means cheaper oil for other industries ending with an increased overall profit. Russia don't have such option as long as they do rely on oil trading to build their national budget. Lower price for oil means budget cuts for Russia. And serious cuts. And Iran can contribute even more at on keeping oil price low. But with Iran USA's arms are tied. They must backup Israel. Some was saying before that Israel is the closest USA ally. Other was saying that is not. But it is the closest ally of USA in Middle East. Actually the only 100% trusted ally in that area. But not because the love of Israel for USA. Israel needs USA backup. Once they'd be left alone they'd be eaten alive.
Netanyahu, Putin and Obama are the current axis of evil. Pretty sure Islamic State are just Jews in disguise, they kill a lot of Muslims.