ISIS 170 Hostages.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BLAZE, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. I love threads like this so full of ill informed idiots it makes me laugh.

    One idiot stated that christians caused slavery and genocide. I think it was a Nathan guy. Genocide has been around since man has been around so dont be an idiot. If you are talking about the african slave trade as most people do it was actually muslims that sold the black non muslim people to the dutch, french and english before that it was jewish and other Bedouin people from the middle east that were sold.

    As for Lovely Denial she is clearly in denial. The crusades was actually the western christians being asked for help and moving in to reclaim the byzantine empire or eastern christian empire that was under siege from the turks. It escalated from there.

    And as for the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, they spell clan with a k. That right there should tell you all you need to know.

    Religion isnt the problem, its the fanatical belief in a book written by a MAN, not a god thats the problem. There are plenty of religions that dont go around killing people.

    One crazy person writes a book and tells his crazy friends about it. They read the book and tell their crazy friends about the book. Then they tell their crazy friends, then shortly afterwards you have a billion crazy people believing in a crazy book.
  2. There are 1.6 BILLION Muslims and the rate of 1 of them being a extremist is roughly 0.00012%. And the chance that an attack is going to happen where you are is 0.000001%. What Lovely said was right on the money.

    The two terrorists who tried to enter the soccer match (France vs Germany, who had suicide belts) were padded down by a security guard and he found that they had the belts on. A few moments later this man died. This man was a Muslim, a Muslim who saved the prime minister/presidents life and 1,000's of people lives. If this doesn't change your opinion, than you truly are ignorant.
  3. IMO Harry Potter will be the new Jesus in 2000 years.
  4. Good idea lets nuke everywhere...
  5. These idiots think 1.7 people who follow the book of Islam, are gonna Cut our head off or blow us up.
  6. Rio.

    In no way shape or form does removing foreskin endanger a child's life or well being though out.
    And I would take ANY wager saying more woman would rather it be snipped than not. So it's a win win

    Baptism is just a ritual. It again doesn't change the kids being. The kid will remain the same whether he follows through with the beliefs or not. A little water isn't going to taint him.

    As far as your story. Anyone who would have told me I can't have my own beliefs because I was dunked in water would find me laughing historically, even as a young teenager then. And if my "friends and family" shunned me because I didn't agree with them than they also can live their life and I will go live mine. It's all what you make it.

    Sad that this world can take things that are generally pure and crush them because of pansy ass people who get offended by the wind blowing to hard.

    Biggest part of this problem is people sticking their nose into others business that is absolutely zero concern in hell of theirs.
  7. Neither does removing someone's fingers, arms, toes or legs, as long as it's done properly.

    My point is people's beliefs shouldn't be IMPOSED on children. Teach them sure, why not teach them other beliefs too? I've taught my eldest about Christianity, Islam, the Nordic gods and atheism. She can choose her own path, that's not my job, a job of a parent is to guide, not to push.
  8. I did not state religion as the cause of genocide. However, I did state that Christianity is accepting of genocide, and that the bible promotes genocide in certain passages. You would be the idiot for making judgements of me without even understanding what I'm saying.

    My point was that a Christian extremist group could be worse than ISIS for these reasons.

    Bible Quote:

    "'Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.' "

    It has also promoted slavery and sexism which I should not have to point out.

    It would not be a stretch for someone to look at these verses and create an extremist group.
  9. Jesus Christ

    What I meant was, "You hold an atheist worldview in regards to every religion except for your own". What I mean by this is that Christians and Atheists both have the same view of the ancient Roman religions, or the Indian religions, or any foreign and distant religion. You think they're full of crap and you'd never believe it in your life. There's no proof.

    In this sense, everyone is an atheist with the exception of the god(s) they believe in.

    To the other thing:

    Atheism is not a religion based on these definitions:

    Atheist definition: "the lack of belief in a supernatural power or being"

    Religion definition: " the belief in and worship of a superhuman or controlling power, especially a personal God or Gods"
  10. This
  11. @nathan

    Bud it looked as if you were stating a fact about everyone being atheist to me. Apologies if I took it literally.

    Also religion, like many words, has more than one definition behind it. It can also be an activity or belief that is very important to someone. Doesn't have to be strictly Deity related.
    "He watches football religiously". :)


    In the end it relates to whether or not it's your business to question it. And I don't think it is. Again more self righteous talk IMO.

    (I'm not hating on anyone for your opinions just stating mine, I mean no ill thoughts toward anyone when I write)
  12. Yea.

    I was going to write that you can say "a religious atheist", but not that atheism is a religion.
  13. Wtf Troll? You should know that you're allowed to criticize any religion you want as long as it isn't Islam, you islamaphobe.

    Support. Bring back female genital mutilation too. I know many guys who like it smooth down there.
  14. First I would like to express my disgust for yet another mindless terrorist act.
    My sympathies go to all the families and victims.

    As to some of the recent posts.

    In an interview an atheist was asked what he would say to God if he died and had to confront him.
    I have edited out names as I don't feel that's relevant.
    But I have to say. I do agree somewhat with this atheists opinion.
    Particularly when it comes to child hood disease.

    In his imaginary conversation with God, Atheist says he would tell him: “How dare you create a world in which there is such misery that is not our fault? It’s not right.

    “It’s utterly, utterly evil. Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world which is so full of injustice and pain?”

    Pressed by Interviewer over how he would react if he was locked outside the pearly gates, Atheist says: “I would say: ‘bone cancer in children? What’s that about?’

    “Because the God who created this universe, if it was created by God, is quite clearly a maniac, utter maniac. Totally selfish. We have to spend our life on our knees thanking him?! What kind of god would do that?”

    On how to explain the wonders of the world, Atheist then launches an another attack on all seeing, all knowing God creator.

    “Yes, the world is very splendid but it also has in it insects whose whole lifecycle is to burrow into the eyes of children and make them blind. They eat outwards from the eyes. Why? Why did you do that to us? You could easily have made a creation in which that didn’t exist. It is simply not acceptable.

    “It’s perfectly apparent that he is monstrous. Utterly monstrous and deserves no respect whatsoever. The moment you banish him, life becomes simpler, purer, cleaner, more worth living in my opinion.”

    On a side note.
    Circumcision was first used to prevent disease in a time when hygiene was not as it is now in western times. In Africa and other areas it can still have good reasons for support due to epidemics of stds in the regions. How ever In more advanced culture, there is little need for it. And practicing it is mutilating a child in my opinion.
    It also takes away a vast amount of sensation that they would feel as an adult. Though if needed it can have medical use, I would go to the furthest lengths to avoid my child having to go through such a mutilation.
    I know people that have had it done and none were happy with the results.
    That all said.
    As previously said. Isil want the world to fear Muslims. They want to force Muslims to turn to isil as they have no other choice because they have been rejected by every other nation.
    In the uk 1 in 6 Muslims in an interview stated they had some sympathy for isil.
    What I take from that survey is the following.
    1 those interviews were done in areas of low income, low employment and very possibly intentionally skewed to show a negative image of normal Muslims.
    2 that said. Even assuming the results are accurate, they far from represent the majority of Muslims. 5 in 6 do not agree with that view. 5 out of every 6 are happy and content with life here and are disgusted by isil.
    They hate that their faith is being corrupted and betrayed by isil.
    Those 5 in 6 I have no issue with. The other 1 in 6 can clear off for all I care of them. If you aren't loyal to the nation you live in you have no place in it.

    I would suggest many look up what created this conflict and gave rise to these terror groups that 30 years ago held no influence in their home nations. Partisan extremists that held no power.
    Now it is time to deal with an issue that certain nations helped create.
    Blame aside. Isil has to eliminated. At home as well as abroad.
    Their nations freed to be safe developing nations for their own people who want nothing more than to live normal lives.
    The world should not allow a violent extremist few to force so many to suffer and live in fear. Both in our home countries and in their home nation.
    I see little point arguing about what religion they are. It wouldn't matter what religion they claimed to be from. They would abuse it to serve their own ends regardless.
    Allowing them to spread hatred against innocent people is to give them exactly what they want.
  15. ^ I have read some British propaganda from a group called "Britain First", and if I were Muslim and had to share a country with that group of people who are so racist I might want to join a terrorist group as well. The guy below me is a great example of this :)

    The more that you marginalize minorities in your country, the more that you're going to have radicalized members of society.
  16. The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
    The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
    The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
    The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
    The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
    The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
    The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
    The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
    The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
    The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
    The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
    The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
    The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
    The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
    The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
    The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
    The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
    The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
    The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
    The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
    The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
    The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
    The Bombay
  17. It must be nice to be blind of the truth, the truth that Islam cannot exist in the west!!! Their shariah law (which they are 100% committed to) cannot exist here in the west.
    One only need to do a little research on YouTube to see that they dig holes and lower people in so they can stone them to death. They indeed do kill children of Christian heritage. They marry children to old men and abuse them as young as 9years old, even younger the things they do are sickening!!!
    Look up imam choudrey, or any imam and see what they stand for. They gladly and openly inform us of the plans of Islam!!!!
    Women have zero rights in Islam and under shariah law, if one is abused in the way that kaw won't let us say, she needs 4 Muslim men to testify for her, and most likely, she will be jailed for the accusation against a man!!! Their prisons are full of women for this!!!
    Do just a little bit of research on what the refugees are doing everywhere they invade!!!
    And on topic.... IS= ISLAMIC STATE!!!! Nothing to debate there!!!
  18. McGurk's Bar Bombing - Protestant
    Aldershot Bombing - Catholic
    Abercorn Bombing - Christian
    23/3/72 Bangor Bombings - Catholic
    14/4/72, 24 bombs across ireland and 14 shootouts between IRA and security forces - Catholic
    Bloody Friday - Catholic
    Claudy bombing - Christian
    1/12/72, UDA Dublin bombings - Protestant
    17/5/73, IRA bomb in Omagh to target British soldiers - Catholic
    12/6/73, Coleraine bombings - Catholic
    M62 coach bombing - Catholic
    30/3/74, Bangor shopping centre bomb - Christian
    Dublin and Monaghan Bombings - Christian

    Here's a small list of attacks by 2 Christian organisations, I could easily make this list over 300 long from these 2 groups alone and then add hundreds more from other Christian terrorists groups.
  19. funny how you had to go 40 years back

  20. As has been said, there are extremist groups in every culture. None of the ones in Britain can even come close to a certain klan, or westboro baptist church.

    Young uneducated minds are easily swayed.