Its not all poor. Some areas are pretty developed. It's home to over a billion people, rich in resources, and in 50 years will be on track to one of the world's richest continents.
lol only nearly every world leader, authority or person with belief in living in a world in a humane manner
Since its censored it is an American racist group that begins with a K,has a K in the middle and ends in a K.
Whoops. Ku Klux Klan is responsible for how many deaths and fires? Christianity is bad. Let's remove them all from the states.
I say we don't teach religion to children under 15, so that we cannot brainwash them, and that bit is their choice on what religion they choose (atheism is a religion)
I couldn't agree more, my folks did exactly that, 1 was catholic, the other united church...all kids are adults now & i'm agnostic atm, my sister is a fairly spiritual athiest and my brother a bhuddist lol. i think its better to make a less biased informed decision for yourself at the end of the day.
That idea is good, but in fact you'd be raising a poop ton of atheists as your definition of atheism is incorrect from the dictionary definition... You'd also be alienating religions such as Catholicism because lots of Catholic ceremonies such as baptism occur in childhood As an umbrella term, it is not a religion. It is a lack of belief. It literally means a lack of belief in a god... Which would mean that under your system you're stating that people should be raised as agnostic atheists until the age of 15. Atheism is just the lack of belief in gods. Everyone is an atheist. Some people just believe in one more god than the others. Some people claim to know that there's no gods, rather than state that it's unlikely that there are. Yes, they are atheists. But they are gnostic as opposed to agnostic (knowing there is a god vs. Not knowing)... Meaning that they claim that they know that there isn't a god, which makes no sense.
I say we shouldn't teach our children how to walk, eat, read, write and talk until they are over 15. Than that's there choice if they want to lear, I just don't want to brainwash them.
@nathan Atheism is not believing in ANY deity or God. It isn't not believing in ALL deities or gods bud. So no, everyone isn't an atheist. And it could be a religion also depending on your views and how passionate one is about it. If they have faith there is no God and choose to practice life based on that belief then it could be considered one. Among other ways.
Forcing children to be baptised / circumcised should be illegal. You can teach values and about your religion without baptism (which can actually be performed at ANY age) and circumcision (again can be done at any age, and is arguably child abuse)
Yeah, let's take more rights away from parents bringing THEIR kids into the world because someone else who has no business worrying about them doesn't agree with it. That's half the problem in the world as it is. People (and governments) overstepping their bounds especially with how we raise our own blood and family. But I suppose you think people don't know what's best for themselves also right lol
Circumcision = chopping off a part of a child's body, for a belief. If I believe my child will be more intelligent without her left arm does that give me the right to cut it off? (Exaggeration ofcourse) Baptism? Well, I was baptised and when I turned away was greeted with "you can't, you've been baptised" and alienated from a lot of my friends and family. THEIR kids? Yes, they are their children. Property to do with as they wish? No. Children are not property, unless it's medically needed there should be zero body modification until they are old enough to understand Why, how and how it will effect them throughout life.