a GH, my attack only does around 50 damage while assassinates do around 150-160. But you can't fault my build for doing assassinates because the gold per damage ratio is on par or better than my attack. However, I will drop equipment and see what that does... Thanks for the tip!
I unloaded over a 5 hour Escape and use the seal and got first phase of items and have the second completely to the rest of the clan and got 25b at the end. I did the exact same right after but I skimmed it for 5 hours (no crystals in either one) and made 65b at the end, not to mention the 18 or s billion from skimming attacks. Of course this was on the (plus)50% Escapes (4.5x haunting) but still. The difference is amazing.
Yes the scientists have concluded that running naked through escape and revenge is the best wat to make a motsa out of your seal. Go on...take it know you want to. :-;
Ok one your math is all messed up u wanna really see what u make assassin once in the eb my build made only 8mil from full and 200k on last assassination on a normal haunting (back b4 I took down 4 SOS so likely even lower now)
Didn't care about the math, but your end conclusion is dead on. I have a hansel bigger than me and he always makes at least 1/3 more at end of eb. Why? Cause his assn hits gets more end bonus than mine. Plus he can unload all troops and regen hitting whenever. I must only skim on att to make most $. Still the biggest advantage is his assn bonus vs mine. Devs changed this long ago when att builds were almost all there were.
Thats alot of math but when it comes down to making the most gold that would infact be the most effective way... @Op- I think you should help me out some time with some numbers cause apparently you know your math
Ok, so i skimmed spies all eb, no pots no xtals I noticed a 5bil increase in end payout Great find UPC!
I do not understand how a Hansel gets less when he/she does not skim. I look at the amount I get each hit and there is not much difference from beginning to end. Also I am not able to put 100% of my time only ass 3 hits at a time as I understand that is what skimming is. Am I not better to ass 100% come back when I can and offload again?
@Popeye - hansels are okay to unload their troops because they make their attack money from that constant allies bonus which doesn't change with troop level. However money made from assassinates DOES change - it's proportional to the number of spies you have. If you skim 5 minutes at a time with spies, they will bring in 1.8x what an unload brings in (over an hour). But of you can't do that because of time, even 50% unload with spies with 30 minutes to regen is much better than a full unload.
Why not also have just enough equips on,to hit eb,remove rest to minimize damage of each hit therefore stretching eb even more,just a thought
Yep...that's a good idea too if you really want to stretch that EB for all it's worth. Anything that minimizes damage while getting the most bang for the buck is a good idea. But this is a small increase relative to keeping the attack build's spies out of the picture.