Is Trump Really that Bad?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. I could've sworn Poppabear said there would be a civil war if Hillary tried to disarm the U.S.
  2. There will be. It's cited by many.

    It's common knowledge. We won't be disarmed. I guess that is what you want. I'm talking about DISARMING. That is extreme, it will be met with force. It's just the way it is, and has been.

  3. I love this scenario.

    America is founded on a system that can and has removed a corrupt president. Democrats do not have a solid candidate, pinning their hopes to Hillary, who is a train wreck waiting to happen. She can't handle any issues, but has her super convenient media buddies always trying to make her look good.

    Trump has media working against him. Now that he has fallen in rankings, I dug into the rise in Ben Carson, and it started when he had some timely and intelligent comments in a debate. Making Trump appear stupid.

    Someone explain to me how a guy like Trump, with his successes in the many years of my life, can possibly be the "idiot" the media makes him out to be?

    Or is it American business as usual. Liberal media slander (not that Republican media doesn't do the same). But American masses are asses. We are all drones to be won over.

    I want to see Trump win so that America can have a brilliant businessman running the ship. Instead of a professional puppet who will say and do anything for your vote.

    He doesn't care about your thoughts on his image. Or how he talks to people. Just read his site and look at what he wants to do. It's inspiring. Because he's NOT a politician.
  4. Christ I hope neither of them win, but it's not like it matters. At least trump is honest, don't see many politicians pulling that one

  5. Somebody asked her thoughta about if a disarm occurred she didnt say if im president i want to disarm. Typical media twisting things to rile up the whack jobs like...this guy
  6. Hillary is going to take all your guns and give them to my brethren. Be afraid
  7. Sharia Law is coming America. With only 1% of your country being Muslim and .01% of that percentage being potential extremists. It's totally happening

  8. exactly lol.
  9. Whats funny is that the republicans still have like 14 people "running" for president after 3 debates. While only 2 have a legit shot...ok 1 actually has a legit shot of winning the nomination so they keep the other 12 around who should be dropping like flies to divide up trumps votes to fools like christie, rubio , bush, fiorina to make carson look like hes actually in this race. Its a scam and its just more reason why ultimately hillary will win. If you are that stupid to go through all of this to discredit and discount your strongest choice to win a national can anybody expect anything other than 8 years of hillary. I just hope something decent comes along after her because its going to be scary. The world will be a different place after republicans blow this election.
  10. When's the last time a Muslim committed a terrorist act in America? Because lately I've seen a bunch of white people and Christians shooting up schools and churches. But that's not terrorism because they aren't brown? Lolz and the only oppressive laws trying to be passed have been from fundamentalist Christians. I'm calling BS. Trump addressed the question from one of his radical supporters: "When can we get rid of them? (Muslims)" his response: "That should be the first question. And I'm looking into that".

    At least McCain had the balls to tell his supporters "no Obama is not a Muslim or from Kenya, he's just someone whose policies I fundamentally disagree on"
  11. Obama's a Muslim.

  12. Who eats pork drinks alcohol smokes cigarettes supports gay rights and women's rights.

    Yep totally Muslim.
  13. And look at all the Christians who ignore their fundamental beliefs.
  14. Ok so let's say for fun he's Muslim. He is protected to practice that belief as well as hold office thanks to this nation's constitution.
  15. Correct. But he is a Muslim.
  16. how come they haven't forced a name change on this clown yet 

  17. And?
  18. Just pointing it out.
  19. Probably because it looks funny in newsfeeds
  20. I love how people say Trump is a good businessman. He's filed Chapter 11 more than any other company in the past few decades.

    Most good businessmen never get into a rut so bad that they can't pay their debts and have to file Chapter 11. Only 5% of the Forbes 500 have.

    Just because he has money doesn't make him a good businessman. He's successful yes, but you have to consider how he is successful and how he handles success which he doesn't really. He repeatedly over extends himself.

    Also just because he's honest about being prejudice doesn't make him "presidential material". By that logic every crack head is also good presidential material. They'll tell you boat loads of what they believe if you listen and they honestly believe it too.