Give real reasons why hilary abd trump are good choices. Like what they say they want for America. From what I've seen trump is awesome on taxes but weak on foreign affairs. Very weak. Hilary just won't get the vote because she is not upfront and honest. She keeps secrets which makes her an unappealing candidate. Christie is a jackass
Hilary wont get the vote? Are you kidding me? Have you not looked at the socio economic breakdown of this country? In other words poor people, minorities and and women all have their own reasons why they would vote hillary over anyone from the gop can throw against her. Why? Because the gop has repeatedly shown they are not for the people but for the elites. Hillary can easily ...EASILY get 51% of the votes this election from staunch democrats, woman voters and minorities....its really that simple. Fox news screaming about benghazi which literally affects nobodies real life day to day life cant change that. Unless the gop runs someone like trump that appeals to middle of the road voters an moderate democrats we are stuck with prob 8 years pf hillary and id hate to see where this country is after that
Trump is actually a really great candidate. Yeah the guy can be a jerk, but he speaks sense. And that is what we need, more of an aggressive leader who speaks the truth. I'm sure he is seasoned in dealing with the Chinese and could handle that situation very well. He is a very successful businessman and knows what he is talking about. I liked his 30 second exit last night on the GOP debate. Unlike the other candidates that advertised their campaign, Mr. Trump used this time to speak further on the issues. He told people what they don't want to hear. That America isn't as great as it once was. And that we never win anymore.
Literally hate Trump but Hes not the worst Republican knowingly Hes not even really Republican. But Bernie 2016 #FeelTheBern!!
No. I actually think she's the type that's submissive to whatever bern says. Even if that's higher taxes.
I sometimes wonder what Republicans see in Trump, especially as a Trump presidency would likely see the broadest expansion, if not abuse, of the power of the Executive since the 1940's, if not ever.
Most of Trumps credibility crumbles when you ask "How are you going to do that" he talks alot about what he will do but rarely how. Unless it's immigration but in that case he talks about it too much. The only things I'm attracted to are the "Make America great again" because he seems content in doing so. And he also is not politically correct which i like. He is often too bold but for the most part he just speaks his mind.
Have you seen how Obama passes everything as an executive order he can't get through congress? That is abuse.
To answer the title of thread. No, he's actually worse. Like really worse. Like should be in a cell next to Madoff worse.
@Poppabear, said there will be a civil war if a certain candidate is elected and that armed militia and patriots are ready to take up the fight against the country if that happens What's patriotic about using guns against the will of your fellow countrymen who elected the president ?.So America has been invading countries trying to spread "democracy" (illegal war etc) and you say that if a candidate running for president wins there will be civil war? Loon alert. So you would be fighting war veterans and those who keep you safe to oppose the president of your country who the people have chosen. Good luck to America is all I have to say and I'd probably stay more than 1000 feet away from this basket case if you know him. Terrorist - A person who uses force/terrorism in pursuit of political aims. So that's what you'd be a terrorist
That is why you shouldn't the talking US politics. You don't understand the social dynamics outside of what the media tells you. Good luck to the country you are from. 0.o At least he didn't threaten race war. Which btw was a bunch of Asians and European talking it up on OUR boards. Yet they won't allow it on theirs.
Ah so you're like poppa you have no problem warring war veterans and those who keep you safe. Let me guess you're a patriot too lol. No you don't understand how elections and democracy work. Social dynamics lol- You can't Start a civil war because you lost and you're butthurt about the will of the majority. And are you really praising someone for not threatening to start a race war? I don't know who needs more help you or poppa.