Is Trump Really that Bad?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. I wasn't insulting you troll. I was agreeing. But the majority are poorly informed people who go by one bias view. Usually a family member
  2. Hillary good too. She will also help Israel fund us

  4. People like this scare me. Political gun nut whack jobs that scream benghazi in thier sleep. All politicians suck nut so do bible thumping gun toting hypocrite nutjobs
  5. So instead of giving your opinion you just go and personaly attack him by what you read in his statement? You're the kind of people I hate. Useless, illinformed want to be trolls thinking they can gain support by people yelling things. Get off forums wolverine. Either add or so support/no support to an idea. No reason to be a douche canoe

  6. Like i care if you hate me. Just because you fall under the category whack job doesnt make your point any more relevant than mine. Want me off forums make me noob
  7. Here it is again, another personal attack. Maybe it's because you aren't intelligent enough yo contribute to the thread
  8. Thanks for that cute insult in pm as well

  9. Benghazi!!!!! Clintons kill eveybody! ( im not crazy) lol
  10. Once again nothing really contributing. Just proving my point. If you realized what you were talking about you'd know Benghazi is Clintons fault due to it's her job to send help.

  11. Go away tea party whacko. The majority of the country doesnt care about benghazi...actually only fox news and idiot whackos like you do
  12. Granted Fox News has doubled in audience since Obama has been elected... Says something.

    Personally I want to see Hilary dethroned as the criminal she is, that's the only reason I care about Benghazi.

    Feel the same way about most politicians.
  13. You don't care that there is injustice and it's costing people their lives?

  14. Hillary is a turd but so are fox news , republican whack jobs and that noob dark whatever his name is that is butthurt here in forums lol
  15. Reminds me of that South Park election, turd sandwich or giant douche. Who is better?
  16. Here's another personal attack but no response. So I take it you're okay with innocent people dying. Coolbeans dude, can I post the ss of your pm?
  17. Whats funny is people like sarah palin, chris christie, john boehner, poppabear, darklordbinks think they are patriots and for america. Sadly they dont vote based in anything important just nonsense conspiracy theories and fox news talking points. The reason the republican party cant win presidential elections without a crazy like trump is because the majority of americans see through the garbage these republican slappy morons spout. Its all ridiculous garbage and is quite embarrassing. The gop has been a joke since obama defeated mccain and romney soundly. Has obama been a bad president? Eh he a racist scumbag who uses his position to advance his racial agenda...yes but the economy and pretty much everything else is better under obama except race relationships. Hes also a big wuss and other whacko leaders like putin have used that to embarrass the us what does th gop do? 8 years of bashing obama and congress acting like idiots under boehner and what do they do for 2016 amd saving america? They push ben carson? The republican clone of obama? Really? Is there any other reason the gop is pushing this guy other than trying to take the black vote from democrats? Do you really think carson would he he respected by isis and putin/china? Heck no. Thats why trump is the clear choice if not hillary. Hillary would win by default against anyone else in the gop fox news clown car and thats kinda a scary thought since i dont trust her...but im not voting for another race baiter and race agenda pusher like carson and i think hillary would beat him easily kist because everyone is sick of the gop and fox news garbage. Trump on the other hans well he might be crazy enough to do something and world leaders wont think he's a pushover and he wont owe special interest groups favors for cash....sure a wall around mexico and canada sounds good and kicking out illegals...getting trash off welfare and making those who really need it work for it. This country has gone soft. Political correctness has destroyed the usa its time to make america great again. Trump -16"
  18. Amen! I vote libertarian or for candidate that I think will do best for America. TRUMP WAS A DEMOCRAT for a long time and is a friend of the clintons. Idk seems strange that he got a call from bill and announced candicy the next day. I like Carson out of publicanins... Not sure yet who I will support. Thinking of penciling a sluard candidate. 
  19. If you knew 1 tenth of what really gpes on with the military and politicians you wouldnt be in here spouting unintelligent garbage like benghazi. Sorry i dont vote based on fox news talking points i vote on real world issues that really can affect people....if you want to read lies and gossip keep watching fox news and tmz its perfect for fools like you
  20. 1st of all I don't watch fox news
    2nd I never said anything but facts about Benghazi
    3rd Where are you getting my political views to associate me with everyone else? I've not said anything about theories or gun control.
    4th It's cool how you keep these personal attacks going. Cute actually
    5th I know about 60x what you know obviously