Is Trump Really that Bad?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. Troll, that doesn't make much sense in the context of what I'm talking about.

    You don't need manufacturing in place to raise taxes on corporations and plug corporate loopholes that allow corporations to pay 0% tax, which is what I'm proposing here - plug the loopholes and close the wealth gap. Raise taxes on the wealthiest people - taxes today are lower than they have been in a century - we can afford to have them higher.

    What I mean by "on the backs of the wealthy instead of the poor", is basically raised taxes. It's immoral to cut social programs to balance the budget. Just raise taxes a little.
  2. Then make more manufacturing and tax it.

    And you should be cutting programs, and i believe in a fair tax.

    But even with that you still can't seem to pay for Bernie's ideas.
  3. Hillary, is starting off, running for president , while being investigated for more than one scandal. How in god's name can anyone support her?
    Now, she made a comment regarding mandatory buy backs of firearms.

    I'll tell you right now, if this happens, it WILL be a civil war in the U.S. There's a tremendous amount of patriot groups as well as militia already gearing up.
    People are worried about Trump and war? Wait till you see mandatory confiscation of firearms in a disarming of America. You'll see a civil war like no other take place right here on US soil.

    The woman is an absolute loon. Bernie is a complete socialist. Want to experience what it's like ? Go to a homeless person and give exactly half of your stuff to him. Make your value and net worth identical to this homeless person.
    Now, convince your neighbor to do the same, till everyone has the same equal net worth as each other. Sure, some will gain, but why would you want to give half of what you own to someone who doesn't work? That's socialism.

    Swear to god, we either need to have a responsibility test for voting, or increase the minimum age of voters to 25-30, or when the person is responsible enough to vote.
    18 use to be a responsible age, but now days, kids are still on their parent insurance policies until they are 27. 18 use to be grown up, but with the changes in society the last couple decades, people aren't as responsible as they use to be.
    Hillary shouldn't be allowed to run for any office. The White House should have filed a restraining order after the last time they were there. White water scandal still looms in my head, not to mention all Hillary's antics last time.
    And if you're too young to remember the last time this Little Rock Arkansas family was in the big house, you need to go do some reading. Clintons are nothing but trouble.
    Read up on the "Clinton body count". 300 million to 1 odds that a string of people all connected to the clintons die in a short period of time and all due to mysterious circumstances related to the Clinton family. They are absolutely NOTHING but big trouble.

    Trump, Ben, Hell, give me anyone.
    Ben Shapiro ! That's who needs to be in the Oval Office
  4. Poppa bear...

    You do not understand what democratic socialism is, do you?

    Bernie Sanders is not a communist. His proposals are not for the equalization of all wealth. His proposals are to bring America up to date in terms of political, economic, and social reforms.
  5. A fair majority of the people I dislike in the world have expressed that they will move to Canada/Mexico/other countries if Trump is elected president, so yes as of right now Trump brings too many bonuses to pass up
  6. America wasn't created to be ran by government. It was for the people by the people. I am sick and tired of professional politicians, taxes, and less freedom.
  7. At the same time, government wasn't meant to be run by the billionaire class. The role of good government is to ensure that everyone's opinion is voiced and that everyone's voice is heard.

    What you have today in America are campaigns funded mainly by corporations and large-funders. The voices of those who represent corporate interests are those which are heard the loudest. That's not what democracy is about.
  8. We are up to date. The only ones making it seem like we are out of date, are those preaching their own agenda.

    We don't need to "come up to the world standard" . We don't need to comply with any world wide standards at all. We need to stop giving money to foreign countries who don't have a about us, hate us, and wish harm against us, and simply take care of our own.
    We don't need to do anything except cut gross government fat wallet over spending and focus on our people. That's it.

    As far as increasing manufacturing taxes? Are you out of your mind? We need to cut all manufacturing taxes on US made products, and radically increase import taxes on foreign manufactured goods.
    Ever since the U.S. Stopped manufacturing stuff because of stiff labor costs and 2 dollar a day Chinese labor, this country has been going to hell. I manufacture a tremendous amount of products right here in the U.S., and I get a slight tax break, but it's not enough to put more people to work.
    Even recommending a corporate tax hike on US manufacturers proves your grasp on reality has Crisco on it.
    When the last US TV manufacturing company in the U.S., Curtis Mathis went bankrupt, I knew we were headed down hill.
    Sad, that the country who invented the television can't even afford to build it. That the country that developed the telephone, can't afford to build one...

    I own 2 companies, one a manufacturing corporation . I have to fight tooth and nail and pinch pennies to keep up with technology, yet compete with uber cheap Chinese product . Americans craving for cheaply produced Chinese electronics are what's bankrupting this country, not corporate greed on the last few employees making anything here. That's just freaking crazy talk and shows real world inexperience .
  9. Let's ruin America and vote for Bernie Sanders, he knows how to bankrupt and destroy America. When ever you hear any statistics about really anything it's always 99% water and 1% wine.

    Such as equal pay for women, if women were paid less than a man was paid, why wouldn't big business fire all the men and hire women for cheaper labor? Women as a group make less than men because men have the highest paying jobs. I'm not being sexist but it's factual men as a population make more because men as a population have the better jobs. Now if you're against that by all means don't have a family because that's what keeps women from the higher paying jobs is being a mother.

    Next, free college education for all and everyone. This will be rather brief the education system and standard for education will be lowered in quality. Free is just tax payer payed meaning higher taxes yet again.

    Universal healthcare for all, just like all things that are tax payer paid the quality of health care will decrease. The people making drugs to prevent disease will simply stop because there is no incentive to produce anything if they won't make more money than spent to research.

    Raise the minimum wage only adds too inflation, the $9 today will be $15 then. There for nothing will change because the market will just fluctuate. To make our money more valuable lower the minimum wage and have the government out of business. We'd expect a larger production based economy and to lower unemployment. As well now more money is being spread to more people thus a surplus of money and we lower our debt. (Not by much)

  10. Please learn to define the word scandal. Benghazi is a tragedy, not a scandal. Also, just because Republicans hint at wrongdoing doesn't mean there is any. You don't have to be a genius slander someone.

    Also let's learn to define socialism. Where does it say good are given specifically to those who do not work? Do rich people not drive on the same roads we all m do? Japanese are known to be very hard working but Japan is also one of the most socialist countries in the world.

  11. Easy to say, impossible to prove. You assume researchers will drop everything because they can't charge $750 for a single pill. You also overestimate how much is spent on R&D. Trust me, shareholders get much more cash than the researchers do.

    It's hard to take any Republican seriously about the economy. The last three republican presidents increased the deficit, not lowered it. Why would the next one be any different?

  12. First off if you can fake it make it, which should be Hillary Clinton's campaign moto. I'll give credits she's great at debating but I could t trust her to be our president when she denied knowing of using her private email for government uses.

    Second if we go socialist follow Germany's lead. Germans are very good with their money and auto industry.
  13. Can't remember the person who said the quote "Democrats want to bankrupt the United States, Republicans want to destroy it through war". The bicameral party system yes I know it serves good because of policy gridlock, it's just now ruined by politicians trying to fulfill political agendas and not enough public servants.

    I'll give a good example California Congress women Grace Napolitano used her campaign to get rich. She lent her own money to the campaign and had put a high interest rate to nearly double her money. She should be arrested but because she holds influence she won't be.

    Which is why unfortunately Clinton will be president because there isn't enough movement to take her to court.
  14. Benghazi is definitely a scandal frog, so is her illegal email server.

    And it just so happens people who oppose Hillary keep listeriosis dying. Care to explain the man who was caught spying on her was found dead in a duffle bag?
  15. Trump good. He will help my brethren get more funds from Israel
  16. Also you saying Obama has done positive things is laughable.

    His "affordable health care act" is about to crash and already is costing people more money than before.

    He has recked the economy single handedly in several states with his abuse of the EPA by over regulating and destroying the coal industry and the use of coal for power. But who doesn't want to be protected from the biggest scam in modern history "global warming". Actually what is it called now? The names changed as it was proven wrong time and time again.

    Oh and he has set racial relations in this country back decades. Don't even get me started on that.

    Obama is a joke plain and simple.
  17. Frog, you're literally saying this piece of garbage is better than this one by comparing Bush and Obama. Clinton won't get elected due to benghazi. Trump won't be elected due to his straightforward insults. Sanders will pull out. Jeb Bush will not get voted in. Carson and Trump will compete but I'd say Trump will pull out. Trump has 0 intellect unless you talk business. Running a country is more than business
  18. Clinton literally made her fortune on a real estate scam. And people are going to vote for her. I find this extremely hilarious.
  19. Illinformed people
  20. Oh yeah she did nothing "illegal", she just sold housing to massive amounts of quantities of people who couldn't afford it, then reclaimed their asserts when they couldn't make payments, Then repeated the process.

    That's the type of person I want leading the country.