is this game still worth playing?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Rikkimaru, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Imo the best aspect of this game is the osw. The osw has loss impact as the game has evolved. I am sorry for that. It added a very unique dynamic to things no other games offered. I still feel KaW is a good game and a it's a work in progress. I like the way the game makers listen to the community. It makes me feel like we have a real influence on the games life. I'm also fascinated with the autonomy each kingdom has. So, yes I think it's still worth playing.

    @ Tanked; if you're gonna complain without offering solutions then you can take your energy sucking attitude and split this thread. Otherwise, sit in the corner and suck on your thumb so you can't talk.
  2. Neither of those two options are true! :)
  3. I'd argue that certain players can't publicly suggest ideas on improving the game but that may derail the thread.

    This game is usually fun as long as you have friends on here who play the same as you do and enjoy doing so. Doing EBs/OSWs/System Wars/WC Roulette etc isn't quite the same when done by yourself.
  4. And chocolate is awesome. Can't believe someone is getting crap over being nice and helpful lol.
  5. @Drgn

    I'm an alt, I played when it first came out and the top of LB was 10k CS. My phone was reset hence why I don't have it but idc if you don't believe me.
  6. Good thing everyone cares.
  7. He's also an ex-army captain who has over 300 confirmed kills and made over 30K last year.
  8. Lol what? Don't be lb and think you are hot it will come back to bite you strips will always be part of the game you should stay away.
  9. Honestly I don't see chocolate as a mod candidate. Not because he isn't helpful but because he lacks a lot of knowledge from what I have seen. If the game is still going for another couple years I see no reason why he couldn't get mod but right now I don't think he's a good candidate no matter how helpful of a guy he is.

    Vk is another story though and I support him fully for it. Players like him keep this community alive and he is happy to take on challenges and tasks that plenty of other people shy away from.

    Also as a side note I think chocolate is a really great guy and me saying he isn't a good mod candidate isn't me hating on him in any way.
  10. Then go play bejeweled
  11. Sounds better when you say candy crush
  12. Who is anybody to be judge jury and executioner to know wether chocolate would be great mod. Nobody can forsee about how anybody could react & excel untill they are doing the job and under pressure. its just like a rebellious teen mum . people say they wont be able to cope yet they do and are the happyiest theyve ever been and in their element and do a great job. Kezzer it wasnt so long ago you was at the recieving end getting mocked by everyone for using mod blue colour before your time. stop patronizing him .Chocolate is a great asset to kaw and i bet his best is yet to come.
  13. Your comparisons always amuse me...
    Chocolate's potentional for modship and cranky teen mother?

    What even?
  14. I wasn't patronizing in any way. Chocolate is a great guy and I support him above all others for VK. Seriously the guy is the perfect candidate for it I was just simply pointing my view on mod. I personally think he will make a great future mod but he still needs time to gain the knowledge and experience. He showed to me on multiple occasions he knows the basics but he still needs time to gain the right experience and knowledge.

    Also I was on the receiving end a while back for using a color (yes people are that sad) but I have not changed who I am in any way and I still post in the exact same way as before just without the color. I know what it's like hence I am not putting chocolate down in any way whatsoever because as I have said he is a great guy who has done so much for this community hence I think he deserves VK.
  15. The part I just highlighted seems a little off.
    As if you personally decide whether he gets mod or not.
    Why must he show that he has earned the spot to you?
    Isn't it ultimately the devs choice?

    Because if he has already attained all this information on epic battles, achievements etc. surely a quick run through rules of conduct and terms of service or use should be enough to cement the information required for modship into him.

    But I do agree with you, definite VK material.
  16. Kezzer you are neither a mod or a v.k. so that speaks in its self .you need come off your pedalstool. you are not on the who passes or who fails to become a mod commitee board.
  17. Hey Kezzer doesn't deserve this treatment, roni.

    Keep it less insulting.
  18. sasuke i say it as i see it. scroll up she stated that chocolate hasnt got the " goods " to become a mod. He has a clean slate on kaw. never been silenced is not a bully. hes already a perfect choice to test the waters.
  19. I understand what you're saying but you can get your point across without losing your cool as this guy hasn't slung one insult your way and he's saying chocolate wouldn't be suited for the role.

    NOT acts like a goody two shoes.
  20. Did I say I decided who gets VK or mod? No.

    I agree that he has a great knowledge of game aspects but he also has a lot of other places where he needs to improve. I am not on a pedestal of any kind I am simply stating that I do not believe that he is good candidate for mod at this moment in time. You don't have to agree with me. I am entitled to an opinion as are you. You can champion him for mod all you want because just like me you have no impact on who gets mod or VK.