is this considered too far for a 9 rated game?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jester13, Jul 2, 2012.

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  1. If you pm me I can provide ss of the things said.
  2. Post the ss

    Can't make inflammatory comments and try to discredit someone without evidence
  3. Lop, I'm guessing the question here is did you make a statement towards his children? It's a flack you have posted about his mother and grand mother. If that is what you consider "trash talk" you my little friend were raised with the wrong set of morals and guidelines.
    The fact is, this is a game and not a media to demoralize someone's family. There is a huge difference in "trash talk" and abusive language!
    If you can not figure out the difference maybe you should be silenced.

    As far as starting a forum because we are" not going to win this so called OSW" your way off base. I have a feeling it was started because of what you decided was funny which in fact was utterly distasteful in any and all definitions!
  4. As I stated earlier ... I won't be posting ss here as the material is in my opinion offensive and not suitable in this environment. Chirp all you like lopaidon about how "justified" you are in saying these type of things . The reality is sad. I sincerely hope that you are indeed a teen or pre teen and have just said things in a pre-pubescent rage... If you are an adult ... I feel so sorry for you.
  5. Listen jester your exact words are that I stated that I wanted to have sex with your 1 year old child. Did I actually say that? No I didn't and you know that
  6. *stated that I had
  7. In other words, Jester fails at photoshop.
  8. Weak, very weak Lopaidon and Radarchef. As stated.. if I am pmed I can provide ss. I'm not sure but I think posting them here would be against the TOU and also as Jester stated, not appropriate for younger players.
  9. No. That's not appropriate. However, moderators have to see the offense in order to take action. People will fake screenshots to get people unfairly silenced if we were allowed to go off of them. Therefore, I suggest you email and ask them to look at the wall history of the person who went overboard with their sexual comments. Try to give them a time period for the posts.

    In the future, if you are really upset by something someone says- don't make a forum thread. Message a moderator. I'll give you a follow right now so you don't have a problem finding one again :)

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