Is there a Hansel only War Clan?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by cheezeplz, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. My clan :lol:
  2. I will point out, hansel clans get owned in EE against a mixed build clan
  3. Longevity told me about League of Assassins sure wish they came back. :cry:
  4. Note I am not creating a hansel war clan as i just dont have tht much time and dont want the responsiblity, so quit it with the PMs. I have found out The Hansel Guild Camp plans to war soon and I am currently looking into it. There has been many ppl that have pmed me and wanted to make a hansel war clan an to that I say TALK TO EACH OTHER, maybe a group of u all can make a new successful awesome hansel war clan. I suggest contacting these individuals and talking together. Remember I am merely asking if i can join and lead war, not own and run the thing
  5. I'm sorry. You're looking for an ee clan? Then why the heck did you ask for a war clan. You should always ask the question you want awnsered not the question easiest to type

    Hansel only ee clans are very common. Ask wc and try a few results. Within an hour you'll have one
  6. "Hey who we warring today/tonight?
    -We're Screwed.
    -How do you know? Who we warring bro?
    -I told you man, We're Screwed..
    -Ok I got it, we'll lose, but tell me who we warring already.
    -WE'RE SCREWED!!!!"

    My alt's clan.
  7. Hansel Guild Camp
    Hansel Camp Guild
  8. Hey, we are converting Love Boat to a hansel / spy EE war clan.
    Small peeps are welcome.
    Check us out :)
  9. Voodoo was for a bit
  10. Lol I like that name we're screwed
  11. Krypton: nice war, but with 12 people more than us :D
  12. TLAL0CAN - is rank #14 NOOBS and while we have lost a total of 2-3 EE wars out of 25-26 wars I would hardly call that being done.

    Our last war, we led until the very end, despite being outnumbered by 25-30%. Which means if we had been matched better we would have wiped them like all others. Same with we're screwed who out numbered us and also had several of our own fight against us while we held back.

    Anyways, we will interview guild Hansels who want to be OMETOTCHTL by having them PM me or apply to our sister clan called TAMOANCHAN.

    We are an inter-clan of OSW fighters. EB noobs and EE mith chasers apply elsewhere.

    Like MIB and like those in project mayhem "his name was Robert Paulson" - we are all just part of the same compost heap. Abandon your individuality, become part of the collective and learn the art of war.
  13. hey,

    i'd just like to say that TLAL0CAN had one extra member when fighting we're screwed in EE Wars. You wasn't outnumbered you can check the war history x

    And yes one member from your sister clan joined us divya but i don't think that cost you guys the war

    Much respect to the Omets but i think that EE match was a fair match up and would love to war you guys again in future

    Lady x
  14. Lady. Support  We're Screwed (48) TLAL0CAN (49)
  15. I'm trying to get a mostly hansel clan going for Ee... anyone wants to come help.
  16. Attention!!
    I'll make a Hansel and Spy ONLY ee war clan. If ppl are really interested. I'll have it made by Wednesday at the latest. And we do our first war Friday at the latest. But this is only if ppl are really interested. Pm if anyone wants to help. Depending on the responses I get I'll make it.

    Thx 
  17. Red Equinox
    Need hansels for estoc

    Boom. Already made.
  18. LADY is correct. My prior post was imprecise and may have made it seem like they were given an advantage. NO THEY WERE NOT. THEY KICKED BUTT and have our respect as does DRAGON. My response post here was a continuation of a response to OMETOTCHITS post about dragons last war with us. Which should put my thoughts into context.

    My post was NOT to complain we was robbed or that the winners of those two clans didnt absolutely deserve the wins, but rather a monday morning review as to why I think some clans win or lose and why so called mis-matches are all part of the game and in those two cases - both clans OUT gamed up before the war started and for that they deserve respect. Let me explain a little more carefully

    1) I like mis-matches - why? Because part of the strategy is how you build the over all clan in the first place.

    -were screwed is heavy towers and spy's - omets are heavy spies but never went the tower route and thus WS only outnumbered us by 1.
    Frankly it is our fault that we even faced them, because we had a member who had too much attack build in our clan.

    -- dragons heavy spies and yes there (on the last war outnumbered us by 11) and again this was due to OUR mistake in clan build - the same heavy attack build was in our clan.

    But look at the clan history - we were close in dragon war and got kicked to hell in WS war.

    Lessons: 1) if your a hansel clan like us, DONT mix in too many attack builds or you get screwed LOL and eaten by the dragon!!

    Respect to both clans and shame on me for posting to the forums at all - let alone doing it without carefully writing out in the first place.

    My only intention when I first responded here was to say OMETS have made only a couple of EE mistakes and we learn from them.

    We plan on moving from #14 on prestige LB to #1 so feel free to look into the OMETs if your looking for a unique approach to KAW.