Is there a Hansel only War Clan?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by cheezeplz, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. There's several majority hansel war clans. I doubt any are 100% hansel all the time(voodoo may be. Not sure). But you can find one with a hansel only acceptance (no new attack builds only previous members may be attack build). Clans like that are common
  2. International Massacre . We dont do those ee wars yet though :p
  3. We should make a hansel/spy-heavy hybrid EE clan :)
  4. Call it the wandering villagers lol
  5. Legion not at one point did I say they were not around. Read my posts dont skim through them :)
  6. VooDoo are the hansel branch of Voodoo/Outlawz if you think you have what it takes try there not sure about EE but plenty of war. :)
  7. A small list of possible ones since I didn't include any last post

    InterMass (not full name find their thread)

    Guild hansel camp (idk if a war clan. You'd have to check.)

    LSA (or whichever LSA clan OmegaLSA is in)

    Voodoo (or subs more likely too have a chance of getting in)

    There's obviously more. However I believe in that list almost anyone can be satisfied
  8. We need an open-door Spy clan :I
  9. "But idk if voodoo is still around".

    Merely stated that they still are.
  10. *For EE wars
  11. they are they just don't talk and aren't mentioned on forums much.
  12. I have look at all clans suggested and there isnt one that is 100% hansel....altho some were majority of hansel none were all hansels. Also in regard to either ee or osw, i really dont care but i am primary looking for ee.
  13. That leads me to another question, does anyone want to start one?
  14. Im trying to start one but its not big at all, Val is making one too. :)
  15. Dude, there isnt gonna be 100% hansel. U need attack build help to strip FASTER.v
  16. why...
  17. If you dont know why im not gonna tell u. :p you should know if ur gonna make a war clan.
  18. @OP - If you're looking to start one, my alt and I (plus a few hansel friends) will help make up the numbers
  19. lol i dont know but wouldnt attacking a strip target pin them? :roll:
  20. Guild Hansel Camp is planning on EE in the near future. Beware!!!