is the game shrinking or growing?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by joe_, May 1, 2015.

  1. To start as a brand new player is difficult nowadays. When my older accounts first started over 2 years ago, there was a mass over allies at as little as 10k to buy. Now, as soon as a new player comes to the game, they're instantly volleyed into multiple billions. So for a new player with no connections or knowledge of the game starts at the bottom, hitting small ebs, earning very little without the ally plunder bonus & thinking to themselves, this is gonna take forever just to get enough gold to buy lands, buildings & allies, so just stop playing. One other thing I think contributes to this is the fact that as a so called war game, u can't attack anybody lol...a new player goes on battle list & unloads on somebody, they are likely to come back online to a wall full of grief & a full log of attacks from a whole clan lol...that's enough to put many people off
  2. Agreed GwanYu. As it is, there are other MMO that provides more interesting interface.

    What ATA dont seem to realise is that those who remain here and keep playing do so out of passion.

    Not because they come up with new promos or lands.

    ATA I believe is still privately held and very little information is available about their finances. I am sure that will change soon. They need to cash in while there is money to be made.

    Fully understandable. It is a business.

    But they are neglecting one of their most precious assets. Players who remain due to game/ clan loyalty and friendship.

    I suggest most of us do not care for new lands. ATA's strategy of demanding players to keep chasing new lands and building tiers take a lot out of actual game play.
  3. The new lands and tiers demand extraordinary amount of gold. So we either pay up and do it fast or wait for a year before we can hope to BC....

    And they will then release new lands and tiers.

    Superficially it makes business sense. But it turns players away. For many, being BC is an unachievable dream.

    Make something so difficult to achieve and chances are many will not bother.

    What is left are just friendships. And when they go or move on to other games... So will these loyal players.
  4. Shrinking. No doubt.
  5. So, after further dissection, we've got:

    The ally market is bonkers,

    The advertising needs help,

    Folks need to help new players more,

    Better rewards for new players for a variety of achievements, above and beyond qc,

    A great suggestion by rusted that directly illustrates the difference between max plunder and building plunder,

    Social relationships keep the game alive,

    Not enough is being done to foster loyalty to clans or the game,


    A majority feel that the actual player base is shrinking and quite a few that the current revenue pattern is not sustainable.

    Apologies to those I've missed, but I'm speaking broadly here from a lot of angles.

    Again. ATA makes the game, but without players, they have a building and a guy in a monkey suit.

    Keep the ideas coming, and feel free to repost if I didn't address your thoughts.

    It's not out of disrespect...there's a lot for me to take in with each response.

    Happy Kawing,
  6. I'll show you something that's growing ...
  7. A tree?
  8. The obvious answer was my ego. 0.0
  9. This is not an easy post to answer, the game, has to change as to progress forwards,but in doing so its unsettled many of us, i started here way back in the day, and yes without spending real cash (which i decided im not doing) then even at my size 50m cs is ludicrously far away, however when i started that was the goal, build to open highlands. The bigger players (granted not all) are here to help & guide new players, one of the most helpful things i saw here as a noob myself was the forum threads by wulf, ebs/equip etc, but also pwars and other things that are now replaced by the highest paying eb or the next promo, leaves little vareity, and is becoming mundane.the answer to this issue is not easily solved , as the direction the devs have already set are in motion, i do beleive devs are trying to listen but to what end i cannot say, looking at previous posts here , ata have tried other games (perfect drift) being the latest to my knowledge, also failed.the initial question was sink or swim i have to say sink, i myself am only hanging in for friends and time invested in this account. Yes i did love kaw with a passion many moons ago, but it needs work or the future of kaw looks bleak.
  10. Defiantly shrinking I have had a years break from KaW and only came back to find inactive friends and my account farmed to nothing, resulting in myself to reset, this puts mainly small but sometimes big account off the game... Sadly if we let this carry on it will end up like GaW- shut down and taken of the Ap Store, for the few hours I have been here only 2 people have joined not including myself. to fix this problem we need to make bigger/better wars and devs need to set up good competitions that appeal to all especially bigger accounts. But don't worry we can still save KaW ~ Have a nice day/night
  11. No support
  12. A lot of good ideas suggested so far. I pretty much read each and every post. The Question is did the Apes at ATA read it? And if they did, were they able to comprehend it?

    A recent example. We have been doing RoTWB a lot these past few weeks, not a single seal dropped. So I sent a feedback to ATA asking what happened to these free seals from RoTWB. At least 1 used to drop in about 20-30 RoTWBs. And pat comes the reply from support team that they drop in Warbeast, Haunt, TGL, SR, TSG and are chance based. I know they are chance based but what the hell happened to RoTWB not dropping anymore is what I asked them again and got the same reply again. I gave up.

    The point is, their own staff hasn't a clue how to comprehend what is being asked in clear English and reply accordingly. I don't see how they can make out anything out of all these sentences in this thread.

    The game is going downhill for sometime now. I can actually pin point this to when it started a drastic decline. The time HTE was introduced as a 'Special Limited Time' EB. Everyone loved the extra gold and we all did a few, from the free seals and then from the bought seals, it was a 'Special Limited Time EB'. And then it became a full time EB. And people with $$s figured out new ways to exploit it. Someone came up with the idea of making a HTE clan. Another dude came up with an idea of giving the sealer all Ph1 items. And then, to one up that dude, another guy started a clan with both phases to the sealer.

    And boom, everyone who had seals ran to these clans. There goes yøür clan loyalty. And along with that, out went, through the window, the door, the chimney and every other place, your stronger players who wanted to grow rapidly. I saw 3 month old accounts build complete with no equipment, just by running max xtals and seals every day. Discouraging for all others who did not have means and resources to buy their way to better stats. I know there are whales in every game. But you do not give such a short, quick fire, $$ based route to complete your build. It discourages your loyal players who have been with you for a long time. Most of these, so called, whales will run to newer and greener pastures aka other games. They have nothing more to achieve. And the others will horde allies. Are they capable promoters of the game? That is a question left to answer.

    The discouragement in this game is much wider spread. Why? Because these, so called whales can smack you everyday non stop with max xtals while doing HTE. In other games, these whales do not have a direct impact on your growth. You can happily go about building your kingdom/village/empire. Those games do not allow 1 whale to farm you into extinction based on $$s. This game has no safety measure in that regards.

    What this does then, is it leaves you in a hole so deep you can never crawl out of. Dare you hire an ally from these whales. They will farm you till you reset. The game can do nothing to prevent this from happening. So one whale with unlimited $$s has a wide spread impact on all other tiny fish in this game.

    See the BIG picture? The Devs did not see it when they decided to retain HTE as a permanent EB. Now the smaller guys cannot run anywhere and hence the discouragement. You can say all you want about, stand up, fight back, keep hitting. For what? You don't expect a 5-8M CS guy doing a teeny weeny bit of a damage to these massive 40-80M CS guys. More discouragement. See what I was talking about 1 Big $$ whale having a major wide spread impact on smaller fish.

    OSWs these days are:- Smack HTE, strip, smack HTE. The guy who is stripped does 1 HTE and Boom, back to max plunder. A few days of seals and HTE and back to a few Tril in allies again. The 'Real Sense' of discouragement from strips is no longer there. Earlier it used to take time and effort to manage enough gold to get back to MP. It used to take time and effort to build strip funds. Now it is a matter of a few days you can count on your finger tips to amass enough gold to strip a clan.

    So after all this mess. The whales have tons of gold and BFA. Now what do we do with that gold. Boom, out come new lands and buildings that cater to these guys. More discouragement for the smaller guys. There is no end in sight to this. One mistake leads to another. The problem ATA has is all due to their lack of common sense in planning out a well paced game play catering to a wider player base instead of $$ spenders. They only catered to the BIG guys and are stuck in a spot of bother they can't get out of. Fix the hit range, Oh Noes the Big whale is mad as he cannot hit smaller guys. Remove HTE, Oh Noes the Big whale is mad as he cannot make gold that fast. The game is not run by ATA anymore. They gave it in the hands of the few LB and $$ spenders. And they can't do anything about it unless they want to upset them and lose their source of income(a lot of examples are floating where ATA looks the other way when people raise questions on accounts). Whose fault is it. The community kept shouting from the roof tops all this while. And now even if ATA tried( Frankly they haven't the balls to do it) they can't fix this mess.

    Well that was a wall of text. I did try to space it out. Shorter version:-

    - Fix the mess created by 'Limited Time Special EB called HTE'.

    - Fix the Hit Range.

    - Fix your events, where, if you aren't doing HTE, you have to friggin' do 4 EBs to make the Special Item. Why can't the top most EB in every tier drop all 4 event items. I am sure these small guys will still not catch up to your Whale doing b2b HTE. But at least you will have a happier player base with a realistic chance at some nicer equipment from the upper rack instead of the bottom leftovers.

    - Give the players some rewards for loyalty. Those free nobs and xtals from quests run out before you are HLBC.

    - The EBs need a revamp. Warbeasts was from the 18th century. Remove the old EBs and put up some newer EBs for the smaller guys.

    - Increase the EB plunder for all EBs in the lower tiers. We are into the Abyss lands and the payout from Warbeasts, all the way to A Cold Calling is still in the 'High Lands Released' era.

    - Revamp your PvP side of the game. Think out of the box. Increase the payout. Let inferno/aqua/BB drop randomly from hitting others in PvP. Give a bonus when you KO someone. It doesn't have to be what I said, you can figure it out. But work, don't just sit on your ass watching people buy SOD.

    - Give new players max plunder spell to help them out. Or float some bogus tiny allies in the market for them to hire.

    - Revamp clans. Increase clan spots. Put up some clan stats, for say, OSW rankings, opponents hit, EB speeds on clan page. Just mumbling here, but you get the drift.

    - Get rid of 25B to make a clan. There are so many noobs making failing clans that drive half of your new players to the woods before they even understand how this game works.

    Listen to the people and pull your heads out of the rear ends of your so called '$$ whales'. If you want this game to survive you cannot have half your community dissatisfied. No business ever survived sitting on their ass looking at the $$ bills coming in. 1 dissatisfied customer will drive 10 away. And that is what has been happening. You created a mess, fix it before your cash cow is gone. People will find another means to entertain themselves when this game is gone. Everyone does. We are still here because there are aspects of this game which aren't found anywhere else and because of friends we have made here.

    There is an issue and everyone is telling you that there is one. Why can't you Apes come out of the woods and address the players? That road map went so far up your rear end while looking at SOD sales that even Kaw_Com can't see it when he ducks his head there while we tell him what is wrong with the game.

    - Android still does not have game sound like iOS.
    - Everytine to you go to someone in the CR and come back you are sent to the top of clan roster in Android.
    - Go to Clan Events-EBs and search for an EB, scroll through 10 pages. Find a clan running it, click on clan to see if they have a spot, come back to EB search. And Eureka! You have been sent to page 1 again. Now I have do the damn thing all over again. Why can't you put an EB search by Name.
    - Can't see troop and spy %ge in iOS. So if I want to unload to 60% of troops and spies, I need to get a calculator to do the maths. You can see it on android.
    - Can't copy from clan page on Android. You can copy in iOS.

    I am just pointing a few random things here that would make the gaming experience better. These have been pointed out a 100 times. But only if the Apes can get to work on it. There are a lot more. 5 years into the game and we are still trying to get the basic things rectified. God bless!
  13. Couple of thoughts on the matter.

    1). If everyone supporting this idea took a noob under their wings, kaw would see growth in numbers.

    It's hard starting out in kaw. Always was. Long ago when I first started, two players showed me the ropes, volleyed me money, taught me kaw. It's why I stayed as a player.

    2) kaw needs to do a major rework of the game. Tier 1 and Tier 2 are pointless buildings at this stage in the game. Eliminate them. Players start with Tier 3 builds as their foundation. Now they don't waste time with the pointless grind through Tiers 1 and 2 and start with a build they can enjoy kaw with.

    First 25 lands should be unlocked based update number of days played not gold. It's just another pointless grind preventing noobs from getting to know the real kaw.

    Just thoughts.
  14. I would've read that if it was it's own thread, sorry :lol: ^
  15. I wrote a lot there, didn't I :lol:
  16. Obi wan said it all really, I emailed the devs with an email quite like that a few months ago. I spend a long time thinking what to type and how to adress the problems. After days of thinking i finally sent the email.

    The response I got after such a big mail was this one line: Dear (my name), we are working on big changes, you just wait!

    It literally said that, shows how much they care about $$$$ once again.
  17. Nice post obi
  18. The game is currently shrinking, but has hope with this snazzy new update to the app store and google play previews.
  19. Suddenly everyone is a game developer

    No support