Then follow them and talk in PM's. I have said this over and over. This is a social game. Make the first step and show some balls. Not male/female talk, just as a person. Help them out. Rising_Star, you know I know some of your accts, so act like you do in cc. You are someone who can.
I only said that because how can a new player find kaw? There isnt any advertising when I go to update kaw I look at the pictures and see they look like they are drawn by my 3 year old and think wtf.
Then don't post lies. I know for a fact all new players are not alts. I have personally gotten a few friends to start playing KAW. They have gotten their friends and relatives to join in also. Just stop with the negative. You are part of the huge problem. Always feeding NEGATIVE. Post an idea to fix this. No? That's what I thought
Fun thing is that people have been complaining about the pics for months and months and months, and the devs dont seem to care. They just release another eb event promo instead of fixing that. Devs dont look at player feedback at all and that way the game doesnt improve at all.
I wont say a name of game probs get in trouble I will just say as a new player I look at a game with a superbowl commercial or kaw. Anyway I quit kaw for one of these game and then came back because kaw is better if they sort the advertising out it can rise again.
If people cant joke around whats the point luckstar you insulted me I dont care my post probs didnt help anything as it was a joke your post didnt help anything either.
Please take a few minutes before posting again. I don't think anyone understood you there. Need Superbowl commercial too keep you interested. What? You want another halftime wardrobe malfunction to keep you entertained? Go to PIMD for that Read this whole thread before jumping on from only reading last page before you posted. I have been stating ideas from the beginning that I like to hear others opinions. Yours are just negative and not helpful.
Hate to say it, but it is a proven fact people do watch the super bowl primarily for the commercials. While a lot watch it because there favorite team made it to the Superbowl, or you watch because your a die hard football fan. A lot watch because the commercials are a lot less restricted than standard everyday TV viewing commercials. Hell I watched one year to see Slash play at the halftime show.
How much for a spot on Superbowl? Yep, we all know devs are greedy and not know the first thing about reinvesting in a company. Wish they did. It's small business 101.
@ luck star. I think what he is getting at is there is another game that is on top of App Store, that made a super bowl commercial. If I hadn't downloaded KaW, I would choose the other game over KaW 100% of the time. A game with a cool commercial, or a game that looks cheap in the advertising on the App Store. Simple decision. Most people judge a book by its cover. I feel developers have dropped the ball with advertising. You HAVE to have successful advertising to draw in customers. The game with the Super Bowl commercial is only #1 in app stores because of the advertising and commercials. Otherwise the game kind of sucks, and is 100x as greedy and monetized as KaW. But it still makes more in 1 day than KaW probably does in a year these days. Because of a commercial.
I respect your opinion as it was well worded. And we don't get along, but you have a valid point. What I will add is this - Kate Upton doing promotions for Game of War. Have you played this game? I have. It's stale and even more of a RL money grubbing devs game. About 20x more so. No social game like this is. Ppl there don't speak. I know I see you and millions other in WC constantly. No other game like KAW has that. Yes, there are many who should never type 1 letter before posting, but as much as all despise the mods, most of those are silenced. Please follow Monkey's initiative and post your opinions
That is the game I am talking about and I think kaw is 100x better and gow is only making that kind of money because of advertisements if only kaw did the same thing.