is the game shrinking or growing?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by joe_, May 1, 2015.

  1. It's actually a 13+ game if you read ToS.
  2. Been around for nearly 4 years now, and I have yet to encounter someone of that age. Lets be real here, the average age is close to double that age or maybe even more.
  3. Definitely shrinking. Devs know it and that's why they are advertising their other games however the the game won't die anytime soon the community is to strong.
  4. You can blame hte for kawflation. Allies for 10k for hire were hard enough to keep many years ago. But, with the new wc announcement of new players, I have personally helped volley them for gold, and SEEN them grow in an hour to good stats. Then join a clan and hit ebs. Yes, not mp. I use another acct (sometimes a kaw friend) to volley more and suggest to them to hire an ally with gold from it and eb. YOU DO MAKE GOLD WHEN AN ALLY IS HIRED. I tell them to reinvest and hire another. Repeat. Eventually after a few they have an ally. If hired, keep at it. Time and patience is needed in any game. Look at Game of War. That is boring as hell when start as you have 1 to 3 min actions to do for a good 2 days 24 7 to get started. Kaw is much more friendly in that aspect. Plus that game, almost 90% of players don't communicate
  5. Wrong, just wrong. Thanks for screwing over ever player who payed full price lands & buildings to grow, with no ebs and def not hte
  6. Then give every single player that amount of gold to make it fair.
  7. App Store says 9 , TOU states 13 . Devs are stupid we all know as this has been addressed and questioned for over 3 years. Still no change.
  8. So whos fault is it?
  9. The game is shrinking but has great potential to expand. Think about what keeps you here. It's the community and the general maturity players have.

    The app store pictures show this to be an immature game which means the more mature audience won't bother and 99% of kid players leave because this game isn't as suited for them. Sort the advertisement out and you will have far more players and thus more income.
  10. Devs don't care...look at gaw and fc, oh cant
  11. There is so many different ideas that have been brought up over the years that with adaptation could be implanted into the game. Being playing for 4.5 years and les be honest the only big changes were eb's and EE wars. Like even some functional things like adding more guidance for ally searches. Eg only show allies that have been active in the last 7 days or month or 1 hour or year. Or other things. Allies only at these stats for this price. That would be so fricken helpful- why hasn't it been done? Devs you being lazy. I wish the would try harder to come up with ideas. What about that black market idea? Sounded good to me- being able to trade equip anonymously. Like seriously, do something Devs. Add another option when attacking with spies or troops- defensive or offensive attacks. Capture enemy troops and bend them to work for you. Change fight mechanics. Idk. Do something. Keep ppl on their toes and interested in the how the game is growing and changing rather than just forever hitting the same eb in the same way for 4 years. Do a promo where your stats increase for a limited time based on how much you hit- noobs would love it. I'm just spit balling here btw. Get CREATIVE!! Why not introduce a function where clan owners can add their clan to an established alliance physically in the game? Or what if you did events where 2 or 3 individuals had to team up to do something? Clans and ppl on LB's could have time stamps for how long they have been in the position they're in. Or would if clans could send out a 'distress' signal if they were failing an eb. Would if an eb required a certain number of ppl in the clan or active in the eb to finish it. Why not change bonuses when allies get hired? Or special pots for scouting as apposed to stealing? Improve the scouting button- it's boring. Maybe you get to see more than just their build if you're successful (what if you could see how much the had in allies, when they were last active, how many of a single pot they had left. Stop just adding new lands. Just makes everyone not on the ally leaderboard depressed. Add something completely new, not eb or war but maybe something different. How about eb wars? Clans race the other clan to finish an agreed upon eb winner gets something. Would if clan members could vote on things. Would if you could add people to chats in private msg? Give more walls space or more characters to when posting on a wall. Do something that forces LB players to socialise with the rest of kaw. Add some humour. LB battles? Based on Kaw votes. Goodness idk.
    Surely there's something in there you could use.
  12. Everyone has been through it all, have to start rock bottom. Before we did not get a new beginners spell. We did not get free 25 land unlocks. There is still clans i know i always send beginners too and i always check back on them and they do actually grow. Why are you all crying. You cant expect to download a game and expect to be in the top ranks...
  13. If everyone is complaining about new players quitting. Devs should bring back those days when they have a random promo for any epic battles that will be x2 or x3 plunder
  14. Tysond has a good point.
    Unlike the annoying jerk Majoras_Mask (and likes being one), who quotes the whole post directly before like an idiot. Over and over you do this to show you are a moron. I didn't quote. Congrats Majoras_Mask on showing how many brain cells you have.
  15. The devs need to spend some money on advertising and need to fix the pictures for the App Store. Look at the things for apples store they make this game seem like a 4 year old game.
  16. Low tier eb's with that yes. Large builds won't do and it benefits only smalls and new accts. Excellent idea.
  17. That's how i grew luckstar 
  18. How about that HF refund everyone has been requesting? Personally, I was screwed over twice on the Hl refund. I was Hlbc before the refund hit then was still in lowlands on my alt when it hit.

    The black market would be helpful, how about more clan slots? Why not limit ally slots? That forces ally hoarders to let go of some of there allies. People stop fighting over small allies because bigger ones would be available.

    How about log in/activity bonuses that have been suggested? Give players a reason to log on and be more active.

    There are a number of ways to make this game more interesting. The devs are on the right track with PvE & PvP promo's. Problem is with PvP side people max xtal and keep top spots early. Most people get bored after the first week because its easier to obtain the pvp items (Granted you stay defending yourself constantly). So why not 2 weeks PvE one Week PvP?
  19. Just now 2 new players showed in WC. Shrinking? I say no. Shrinking in doing stupid events, yes. That is proven.
  20. watch those players and see how long they'll stick around