Is Redstar invincible?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Reproduction, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Nac uoy daer siht¿
  2. He's not invincible. He just needs to be stripped and it's over. Ally bonus all gone.
  3. Uoy epyt ekil siht oot?!?
  4. At first I thought the title said "is redstar invisible?"
  5. !elbisivni si ratsder tub!
  6. I think i know where i fall :D
  7. No redstar is not I have 5 accounts that have 0 losses on russian servers
  8. Congrats! I didn't even know there were a such thing as Russian servers... 
  9. Many people have very few losses because this game has lost it's original point. PVP is dead. All you see nowadays on clan pages is "no farming, if farmed tell owner". If you even so much as attack a player once, their whole clan feels the need to step in. The battle list is worthless. All the battle list can do now is start OSW. So all the lb players who farm HTE all day are so worried about their precious gold, that they won't even get real war builds to war. They rely solely on BFA. Which is crap. I agree with kezzer. Redstar won't do primals because he knows he can and probably will lose. And oh no! You sacrifice your precious plunder. I feel so bad for you.
  10. A year ago i won an atk on him. It was in an ee war. Check (ancient prestige) war history. Vs new world pirates. It was a bad match so i decided to run 2 xtals in him (dtw/dts was off btw) and luckily 1 hit got in. I was only a 15mcs player at the time but he paid 200mil which was alot. He even failed a hit on me but went on to ko me the entire rest of war. None the less im pretty proud of that one action

  11. We all do

  12. I checked and its true. He is INVINCIBLE.
  13. What if i told you

    They're not real categories
  14. I love forumers who know what they are talking about, I hate the world. :lol:
  15. Paine loves Balto then
  16. Going all philosophical;

    Everyone must know what they are talking about, or they wouldnt be able to talk about it. There needs to be something there, even just the word, for someone to know something that they may be talking about.

    But, if it's wrong, do they still know what they are talking about or do they merely think they do? The debates is reels

    Additionally, forumers dont talk, we type
  17. I think lb ranking should include bl losses. Gauges overall participation.
  18. I forget the names but there's some over 1 million loses lol
  19. Aye, there be a smart lad. :lol:
  20. Won't ever happen. Even if an alliance pulled 300T from him, only the top few lb could even touch him yet with his remaining bfa. So yes, he is rather invincible.