Is Redstar invincible?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Reproduction, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. What about all rounders? The normal people?
  2. What if...

    I fall into all the categories?

    Illuminati confirmed
  3. There's normal people in this game?
  4. I am 1 of the 3 cool people like ashes
  5. The massive butthurt from that would be gloriously hilarious.
  6. He is unstoppable
  7. Not in real life, he's not.
  8. Does red never get 'in the face of defeat'? I swear I get it every 2/3 unloads against people
  9. No, as long as he has lost many primal wars, it means that he was really spanked without his BFA.
  10. I would tell you to go to PIMD and learn differently
  11. [​IMG]
  12. I'm pretty certain that I belong in the "cool" category... But the jury's still out. #Redsbeatablealt #waitwhat
  13. It's a game u need to build relationships and spend money to get far.
  14. Do u not see what red is doing ? He is getting his allies now 4t+ he must have tons in allies not even gonna make a guess
  15. Lat I heard it was up near 500t

  16. I bet a lot more
  17. Redstar is like the Eric or lefty we had in gaw :/

    I dont see why so many take interest in him? No offense intended, only thing i like is his build.
  18. There should be a set day where all of kaw turns on the number 1 on the overal leaderboard. All differences are put aside as the community tries to take down kawzilla :)