Americans are jobless not because illegal immigrants take away their jobs , illegal immigrants do the jobs no american would do , so we arent taking away jobs , you dont see illegals working in a mcdonalds or in a office w/ a/c , they are the ones on the fileds , in the sun , working hard for so little money! AMERICANS just need a excuse to keep on sitting on their butts waiting for a check on the mail from their government! if all the illegals were to be deported , americans would STILL find a excuse , they arent about to start workimg when they recieve free money! they arent THAT dumb! Plus not many AMERICANS study for jobs such as engineers or architects , or electricians etc. and you want to deny the illegals the opportunity to contribute to the economy , millions would be jobless , but adding these illegals , which are about a million, that means a million more people that are gonna be paying taxes
Illegal immagrants taking away a small fraction of the jobs in America wouldn't account for all jobless Americans... There are other reasons I'm sure someone else will elaborate on in the future. Okay, now I'm out.
Reign, high class jobs are already taken as it is. I thought you said in your op this was about illegals going to universities and taking those high class jobs from those who have legal documentation? In any case, the 8% OFFICIAL data is enough for me to say that jobs in general are taken are taken as it is. And where is the money for universities coming from?
Hmm not to mention the majority population is getting to a standpoint on birth/death ratio sometime in the future those illegal workers are going to needed. Also did you see the birth/death rate of russia? Its -0.49% a year
I know that frank, but there isn't a point to adding to the problem is there? Fix the problem before adding to it :lol:
Jak, it's possible. But seriously, fix the problem first. And the legal immigrants coming in too also reinforce the population.
No the post is about kids whove been here getting a permit to work so that they can get a career job and help the country , thats what most of them want to do , their family is already here so who are they gonna send to other countries?? doesnt make sense! and btw illegals that go to universities recieve NO HELP WHATSOEVER from the government , no loans , no nothing! do you know what pays the tuition? the money their parents made working their butts off thinking america would have a heart and accept illegals who are willing to show america they arent gonna be a burden but to show they are gonna contribute if given a chance
Reign, the jobless rate is at least 8%. It's cold hearted but if parents could bring there children in and not get deported, there will be a lot more illegals here. Too many. Encouraging them means more will come. If more come, then we can't give it to everyone and we have to turn them away. At some point, you have to be heartless, and I think the time is now for America to reinforce their laws and get the economy working.
I think that we need to work on getting unemployed legal citizens jobs first before we let illegal immigrants take them, not because were greedy, it's because we need to take care of one problem at a time......
He's wrong for two reasons. One, he is asserting a power the executive branch doesn't have. He is doing this because congress won't pass a law he likes The executive branch doesn't have the power to make law. Two, they are here ILLEGALLY. Why would you expect them to become law abiding citizens if they gain access to America illegally? I have nothing against immigrants. In fact, we need immigrants to remain strong. But we have laws that allow for LEGAL immigration. Just my $.03, adjusted for inflation.
We need to focus on OUR people not other countries, get the **** out. Just opens Pandoras box, look at all these Muslims that come here. In Pennsylvania some Muslim communities are trying to implement sharia law. **** that ****, this is America. The only thing this does is spit into hard working legals that were once illegals faces. They should be the ones just as pissed as us good Americans. I've seen people give more respect to illegals who don't speak ******* English, that want to mooch off our government, more than homeless American Veterans. **** you people, wake up and let's work to better our OWN countries not others. RON PAUL 2012!