Also just for anyone lurking waiting for jobs. Farms need pickers to collect the fruit because of a massive shortage of workhands. Last year(or was it this one?) reported a loss of 33% of the crip they had planted due to a shortage of workers... So get at them workers
Illegals do NOT pay taxes. If they payed taxes, we would know where they were and could deport them. Also, lots of applications ask If you can show documentation of the right to work within the united States ( SS card, Valid Driver License, etc) so therefore most illegals work for cash and do not help our economy.
Jak, this post is about illegals going to universities and taking high class jobs. I don't think many people have a problem with them taking cheap labour.
I believe that it is wrong for illegal immigrants to come into our country, eat our food, use our taxes, steal our jobs, put their feet on our tables... I have no problem with immigrants as long as they are legal citizens to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! they have noooo right whatsoever to come in our country and not pay taxes when us legal Americans have to...... Just my opinion
Alright shaktira you do understand that there is a 70%-90% chance that your parents were illegals right? jeez estos weys nomas tienen corazone para ellos mismos
Sorry ancestors. Unless you where native americans (which btw 90% was eradicated by europian disease) your parents ancestors once were illegal like everyone who came here._. anyways moose/murk when has a nation being overtly cruel ever helped them out in the long run? It usually creates ALOTmore hatred and stereotyping than actually solving the problem.
Its not like id know we do happen to be on the internet. And nope your not totally cherokee though for your ancestors to have survived the epidemics from the time they would've had to mated eith someone whose immune system could combat the diseases so even then your partly from an illegal ancestor
Rambled there. What I mean is your ancestor got the hots for a strong/feminine european or was raped by a viking allowing their children to survive the disease that pretty much killed all native americans. So your ancestors happen to contain one branch from an illegal immigrant.
I think the biggest problem with illegal immigrant status is they have a kid then can't be deported but if they work hard I don't have to big of a problem
They didn't pay for citizenship or at least their parents didn't. All this will do is raise more taxes because they have no means of income and tax dollars will pay for them. Obama sucks, the government sucks, they have no common sense whatsoever and if they do have common sense, they don't use it.
Everybody deserves a chance in this world. If they were brought here as a kid, it probably wasn't their decision anyway.
@raprainbow, Too bad. Their parents brought them over here illegally. I'd rather have them deported than have them gathering welfare and going to school off of my tax dollars. Deport them.