Due to how uncompromising this situation is what with most people on the side of get em out, screw them with the occasional send in teh armiez to keep em out; to the other side of allowing amnesty like in the bush era. There isn't a good solution cuz no one wants to conpletely accept the others decision #2 is probably the best choice we currently have. Though in all fairness making them have second citizenship is a better solution as well as making them pay way more for going this route of legalization wouldn't plus your taking advantage of the situation.
There is only one RIGHT solution. Tighten up security on the border, increase penalties for being caught attempting to cross the border and living here as an illegal immigrant, and deny illegal immigrants basic rights such as education, jobs, medical attention, and due process. It seems harsh, but we need to let them know we are serious about keeping illegal aliens out.
Yea there stories of that attempting to happen -denying basic human rights to illegals in california. Story goes it all ended when a terminally ill 5yr old died outside of the hospital because due to law doctors couldn't help them so all anyone could do is watch the crying family as their small child slowly died infront of the emergency room literally ten feet from help. I don't kbow how true it is. But do you really think people could handle such heartlessness like that?
I don't like Obama, he sucks. That's just my opinion. That's cool what he's doing though, the new generation is quite lazy.
Jak, that is a tragedy, but the parents shouldn't have come here illegally. What should happen in situations like that is just like any other criminal, the parents lose custody of their child and are deported. The child could then be put into the foster care system. Cruel? Maybe. But there needs to be more harsh punishments for people who ARE BREAKING THE LAW.
I think if you really want to "fix" the illegal immigration issue serious reform needs to be done to the legal immigration system. They're coming here anyway, that's not going to stop, so let's make it a simpler, more streamlined process so that they can pay their fair share.
but anyways on subject their prerequisite for being eligible makes them both young enough to have a job and to gain school which moose explains will cause government to spend more billions on people that will be deported in 2 years anyways. On the other hand most of these people have families here or about to start families here which means they are less likely to funnel cash to mexico or other places. They have lived here most of their life so most people might not notice the difference and the general public of this age 15-31 are more fluent in english than spanish. but the terms state that they are considered out of state students, meaning if they qualify for government or private scholarships good for them get the best education they can. but they pay full college price just like the rest of the out of state students their pass are only special one-time worker passes, they can own a driver's license acquire a state license (though Arizona is unfairly denying because of their own views). they can't vote, they can get married and gain full citizenship, they are now mandated to pay taxes (and not like it was before where they could request a pin to pay taxes so that they have a paper trail that can help showing them as worthy of being citizens). they can weirdly enough apply for citizenship to other countries (why is this allowed when they can't apply citizenship in us?).
Lol. I know illegal immigrants at my school... Most of them don't give a flying **** about their education and refuse to learn English. Who's lazy again?
I know several who where in the top 2% of my high school (graduated since then). it all comes down to the person in question. as there are lazy people there are also excellent people/meese.
Has anyone really explored the issue? We have immigration laws for a reason... Specifically to protect our national sovereignty and control our borders. Those laws (immigration and the INA) are there for a reason and include making it Inadmissable for people who are likely to become public charges (welfare recipients), Our prior periods of mass immigration took place at a different time when America did not have social security...Medicaid...food stamps...etcetera... Previously immigrants worked hard and became Americans Now... It seems as if they come to ride the gravy train and are taking advantage of the services we support our citizens with. The costs of medical...and support are too much and I think outweigh the benefits of their work. As far as students go who came through no fault of their own,,, I do feel bad for them and their parents decisions. However.. Granting them any type of benefit sets a horrible example for the future and encourages more of the same. When do we draw the line?
More like america putting all the asian immigrants into concentration camps. Except this time jail= then deported
Morally, we want to give every chance to everyone in the world. With practical objectives in mind, you have to understand it is impossible to give it to everyone. So in this case, it's give it to some or don't give it at all. You know how some volunteers from first world countries go to third world countries and help build houses, or fund construction of schools? They can't do that to everyone. So is it fair to give it only to a few? No, but it does good. With this in mind, you have to understand that America also has to keep their citizens at first priority. They were born there and a foreigner shouldn't take that away. So we have to balance things, do illegal immigrants contribute enough that it is practical to give them a chance is the question we have to ask. I do not know the exact number of jobless, but I expect it to be above 7%. In any case, that is still too high. Also, I believe there to be another 8% living on welfare, not looking for a job and other criteria that isn't listed in official data. So let's see, there is already a high number jobless. So is there really a place for illegal immigrants? In a practical view point, unless they do not live on welfare and act as legal citizens who actively try to find jobs, and do not send that money home, there may be. That is high criteria though, and I doubt it would be followed more then 50% of the time. Morally, we shouldn't deport children who just followed their parents and are only trying to live their lives. The answer? I believe that the chance should be denied. It may sound cold-hearted and excluding to the poor children who were born to poor parents, but it's true. Until America's budget starts getting a decent surplus, I don't think they can handle more people.