As for children getting automatic citizenship just because they were "born in the USA" that's also breathtakingly stupid. That Law needs to be amended to state "children who are born in the USA and having at least 1 legal parent are considered full citizens"
If you have a problem with illegals working for cash, then blame the people hiring them. See that's good ole capitalism at work!! Illegals wouldn't come here if there weren't opportunities. No matter what country they're from the US dollar goes a long way. Therefore many are willing to work longer hours for less pay. Business owners, especially in construction, won't pass up a chance to lower their bottom line. I can't fault any person who does whatever it takes to take care of their family.
darth: I don't fault the people. If I were in their situation, I would do exactly the sake thing. I don't blame the business that hire cheap labor. I fault the president who has decided to REWARD the Law breakers
Ahh Moose your blind fervor is intriguing!! lol Moose if a man who works in this country and spends his money here, how is he moving the country backwards? The statement: "They're stealing or taking jobs from actual citizens." is one the most abused and ignorant statements a person can hear or read. Like my previous post. White guy owns a roofing company. He needs manual labor. He has two choices. Pay the white kid looking for summer work 14-15 bucks an hour, and have to pay him on the books OR hire 2 possible illegals for 9-10 bucks an hour and pay them cash off the books. Let's hold business owners accountable and not lay the blame on people who only want to work. And FYI I know many illegals who do pay their taxes. Even the ones who work for cash. They come in to my office year round and file forms for themselves to obtain working PIN numbers. These ppl also pay more taxes than American citizens because they are not eligible for many of the credits available in the tax code.
The problem isn't that they don't pay taxes it's more they come here illegally which is punishable by death in other countries. The US has made the paper work to become legal so easy a person who knows how to read could fill it out. Also some of the illegals are criminals in their own country, and are working for drug cartels
So the people who spent 1,000's upon 1,000's to do it legally are shafted? I'm sure they would have spent all that money if they had this. But YAY for Arizona, we passed a law that says you can't get an iD if you're under this program which means... DEPORTATION FOR YOU!
Darth: You're a smart guy who I suspect sits in the other side of the political spectrum from me The OP was not talking about illegals that are coming here to toss shingles on roofs. He/she was talking about sending illegals to american universities. This proposition is LAVISHLY expensive, as the state and federal govt subsidize students. Yea, our society is investing in educating our populous, and it's a smart investment. I think we should restrict that investment to our own legal citizens. I do not think that as too much to ask. As for the roofer that is hiring illegals to work cheaply to toss up some shingles on a roof, I'm not so irritated with that.
Come back legally, and I will do nothing to stand in your way of chasing the American dream. The end.
Darth, The problem is that they don't spend their money here. Most of their money is sent back to their families in Mexico. Plus, they don't pay taxes, so the country is losing money all the way around. GO ARIZONA
Yea it sure feels like it. If it wasn't to garner the votes this decision never would've happened in the first place Moose you also forgot that those visas are 2 years and temporary and non renewable. What he basicely created was a legal list of every 15-31 yr old so that when 2 yrs are done with they can be deported -if they don't have imortant enough job to warrant another visa or if they marry
I've not seen anyone mention the fact that some foreign students, after completing their education, pack up and move back to their respective countries. Granted, not all of them do, but enough to make a decent impact. Further, we are paying for that through our taxes. At any rate, it's completely unsustainable fiscally.
Well, I can't speak for America but in Britain we have huge problems regarding jobs and illegal immigrants... But I don't know, America is far larger so maybe it differs over there.
Enter those who frown upon politics... the reason the country is in such crappy shape to begin with. The school system should bring back civics.
The school system should focus on critical thinking and LOGIC so we can turn kids into responsible adults and informed citizens. Instead of focusing on math and science just because other country's are beating us (/).-) what about English and History? History when told properly and truthfully prevents us from making the same mistakes over n over generally. English cuz half the citizenship DON'T know the ******* between 'loose' and 'lose'. And when corrected, don't bother to change a thing. School currently trains us only to get a job, so that we can be another any in the colony. It does NOT teach independent thought or individualism which is what a person needs to have an open mind and logical thought processing.
Tis tactic strikes me as a bribe and a poor idea 1. if you Educate illegals with tax layer money and then send them home because they don't have good jobs, you have completely pissed away billions of dollars for noting. 2. If you educate illegals with tax payer money and them make the visa you issues permanent because they now have nice jobs, you have rewarded them for breaking the law initially, and I cannot abide by that. This is not an "Obama thing" btw. Regan, Clinton, and both Bushes have toyed with amnesty programs. It's just blatant political pandering, and it's wrong, no matter who does it.