is my build good???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by rookie67, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Lol Val, no one attacked yet. Cute. Too bad main is in a war with protake. Then you'd be pinned yourself
  2. Seal, if you didn't have the intelligence quotient of a brick, you'd be able to count properly.

    But I guess you can't help it :(
  3. I'm sorry I have a negative iq. That's just how seals are.
  4. Djin, don't care. Give me some inc and I'll pin ur ass day in day out bro.

  5. (Uses a war as an excuse not to hit him.)

  6. Your pinned, and your clan is my allied clan lololol ok. Doesn't matter.
  7. Check down my roaster, plenty of Val's too choose from.
  8. So they are all alts. Totally normal.
  9. Wow these are high-calibre excuses... They are generated by only the top EB morons in KaW...
  10. Oh anarchy, you know everyone so well. You are definitely a war expert.
  11. Lol anarchy just enjoy the apology thread when it comes. And it inevitably will come :roll:
  12. Valy is always the first to start the hits how comes?
  13. More so than the 2mil hansel noob.

    And to be frank, I know a lot more about war than you know now, or ever will know.

    It's easy to see you're an incompetent EB noob just by your build.

    Oh well, what can I say? Morons will most likely be, morons.
  14. Very blunt, but very true :p
  15. Yup, because a build says everything about one person's accounts. (Plural not singular because I know you're slow
  16. I'm afraid that what these idiots don't realise is that the rest of the forums are going to be on anarchy's side
  17. Not slow enough to know how to close brackets and use a period.

  18. Well why don't you go ahead and post these 'other accounts'.

    Oh no, that's right, you're contempt talking smack about these accounts, yet don't even have the guts to post them...

    Bluffing now are we?
  19. Ok, my other account is not perestroika but the other one backing my side. Barcodes.
  20. Oh that's convenient, that it has a barcoded name that you can't post.

    Wow, what a cooincidence.