No sane person would ever sign up to a phone tap game if u told em they would have to spend more than a pc full licence game (say $100) and play for years to hit the leaderboard....if the game still exists to bask in their potential glory Insane people...maybe....filthy rich with nothing better to do, who chose to spend big and turn years into one year, yeo...anyone way. Yet, this is the deal that the OP has woken up to early on in their kaweer. Whatever shall the OP do???
The top of the leaderboard spends a massive amount of cash to stay there. How you gonna catch with them up if you don't use ANY money at all. Your comment makes no sense Sean, gl learning the game as Vk.
sadly the brutal reality is that you cannot catch up with the big LB players. But do not let that deter you ! You can still have a great time and play with us regular folk the LB peeps are effectively playing a different game to us now.
the truth be told catching up as you put it op requires alot of work. putting your time in dont let ppl put crap in your head zlow and steady wins the race 1) is most important is activity.2) keep max mp 3) learn to allie trade talk with old school align yourselk with like minded players.4) find a active clan that supports growth.5) dont run your mouth til you can defend yourselk people create alts to smack new ppl with attitudes. well thats all i got welcome to kaw
You make more gold as a big player buy land build, buy land til land cost more then upgrading , then upgrade... always be sure to be at Max plunder don't join clans that fail ebs... only do fast epics. Hit players when it pays better then epics. Get mith equipment (only reason to spend $$$ as a small) and happy kawing
Without spending money you will not catch up. Put in a good solid year of tapping your phone on ebs 12-16 times a day and you will become an ok mid range build. That's only if you focus on eb's and don't try to war or in any way hinder your EB income. Sounds fun huh?
First of al Its IMPOSSIBLE. BCOZ EVEN LBS MAX XTAL DAILY. As u will max xtal, still its imposible to reach #1. Second as peep said forget how big we are. Con. On whats ur goal. If u need any help in ur build flw me or clannies or thread.
Reality check.... Most of the Top players have been working on they're accounts for 3 years. Some stay with it and others go away as time progresses. The realistic answer to this question is yes it can be done but requires time and dedication and the ability to enjoy the game at each level as you progress. Can you get to that tier overnight or in a few weeks, no instant gratification comes that way unless you spend serious cash and "buy" your build. Instead of saying can it be done why not try to do it but enjoy all the featues that growth brings, try out warring, collect all the equiptment the battles or wars offer, and make the friends and connections that can be gained through the game. Most importantly have fun!
I don't understand why everyone's main goal has to be "Make it to LB" or "Be the strongest player in KaW" Sure, sounds awesome. Nice bragging rights. But you don't realize how much time you have to put into the game to keep that title. They spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars to get there and stay there. I say why not play the game and do what you want. Enjoy the game. Make friends. You'll grow. There are plenty of people who have LB stats, and aren't up there. I've been playing KaW for just over 4 years. Back in the pwar days before eb and eq nonsense (yes I know there are some of you who are older) and look at my stats. I've been inactive multiple times. Last time being over a year. But I come back to the same friends and still enjoy the game. No sense in making becoming a LB player as your goals. Have fun and enjoy the game is all I'm saying. End Rant
I don't see an easy way of catching up. Unless you plan to spend 6 bucks a week, it's gonna be a long and hard grind. Gotta do whatcha gotta do yaknow.
I been catching up almost 5yrs, it's more about liking to beat stuff up while meeting new good friends around the world. Best way to grow is ATK, ATK, ATK, n ATK some more. That's either using regen or xstals, but your own activity determines how quick you grow.
Lmfso 1 sod a week is just enough to keep you on par with a run of the mill Acc or a shabby alt.Not a chance in hell will that get you LB. Look at the masses of people complaining about the pay to win, being some competitiveness back in the game kaw !
What are you trying to "catch up" to in this scenario? Raw Stats? Numbers on your profile page? If that's the case then sure, start whining now because it'll take you lots of time or money or both... The fastest way to really catch up though, is to learn and experience as much of the game as you can. This is a game where experience really matters. You don't have to be a 50m cs build to EE war, or osw, or even do an items phase on FOD. Focus on learning how to play the game, and not just on "catching" up stat-wise to people who have played the game for 4+ years. I'll take a lower statted player with experience to some higher statted one who only kaw knowledge is HTE.