Is It Ok? - Parents and Social Media

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moody, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. There's only one way to answer these major, moral conundrums: WWCAD?
  3. Absolutely it's ok for parents to stalk their child online. Millennials think they know everything - they are precocious, arrogant, trusting, and therefore vulnerable.

    But fact is, the average kid wouldn't even think that the Internet could be a danger to them - that there are people out there who want to do them harm. That there is misinformation that they will be exposed to, and opinions that deserve skepticism.

    Much of the Internet mine field can be safely navigated by the kid solo. But sometimes, just sometimes, there are times when the parent needs to intervene. To explain, to educate, to clarify, and to expose predatory intent. To do that, they need to monitor.

    It also provides an early indication if the kid is struggling with other issues and may need help, i.e., sharing depressing stuff on FB when they are struggling with anxiety or depression.

    In regards to other people's posts (forgot who);
    I'm happy for kids to swear and do graffiti. I'm cool if they get sent to detention, start paint fights, bring home friends at all hours, live in a tent all summer, find a dog and adopt it, or go driving around in paddock bashers before their feet can touch the pedals.

    That's normal kid stuff. Being hunted or corrupted online is something else, and the parent have to be proactive and protect their kids.
  4. Daph, giving them the sense of security that they can come to you with anything, knowing you won't judge and will help, is as proactive as you can possibly be.
  5. I for one am 17 and glad my parents kept me in check on the internet and texting. Freshman year i had this thing with a girl lots of nude photos were exchanged caused alot of problems but they put a stop to it, and kept me from fing up too badly.
  6. Accs Will be banned for sharing.Lol
  7. Yeah, i think its ok to a degree. I dont think every post they send to a friend from school on twitter/fb should be checked b4 they send it but do think a parent should be aware of who their kids are talking to and what kind of stuff they're learning about. I also think its ok to give their history a quick scan occasionally & if anything suspicious pops up parents should check into it in more detail.
  8. If they don't want you to know, you won't be able to find out.

    History can be deleted, stored in different places, external keyboards attached etc.

    If they know your snooping they will bottle it up and not tell you anything.

    Are you trying to help them, or your own mind?
  9. Jesus, I hated my parents when I first started using the interwebs. It's what ultimately drove me to do things behind their back. There's a line that parents just don't need to cross unless they want to make their kid miserable.
  10. You can make it so they can't delete history but if your kids are hiding stuff from you, you're either doing sumthing wrong as a parent or they're doing something they shouldn't b n know it. These things could have been advised upon & perhaps prevented. Letting a kid make his own mistakes is good to a point like letting them build their own school projects and figuring out how much glue to use for instance but i was given alot of lenience & purposely chose negatively consequential activities for the sake of spiting my parents for their apparant disinterest in my life, the same way kids spite their parents for being too strict & overbearing. There should b a balance imo & giving a kid free reign mostly ends in poor choices being made.
  11. Lol
  12. And yes its completely fine I wouldn't call it stalking I'd call it being a good parent. There is a ton of weirdos about.
  13. Actually, there are very few. They're so rare, that when they act out, it makes the news. If there were "a ton" then it wouldn't be in the news.
  14. Don't be silly.
  15. Some of us live in very different societies, i've met atleast 50 ppl who have told me about more than suspicious circumstances of improper behavoiur towards children. Did u know as many as 1/4 girls & 1/5 boys are sexually abused statistically? these r insane numbers & just think of the kids who never say nething, i'd say for those statistics there r more than a few wierdos around.
  16. As a percentage of the population, how many "weirdos" do you think are "out there?"

    By weirdos, I assume you mean [a censored word] and murderers
  17. That's 20%. That's not weird, it's normal. The population is less than 5% homosexual. If homosexuality is considered normal at 5%, then what can a person say about a group that makes up 20% of the population?
  18. I did a little google search says there is like 300,000 child abusers in the country I live in. Going by this its safe to say that a child would bump into 1 on the internet.
  19. atleast 50% of the girls i've been friends wit have admitted to having relations as young as 12-14 on the most part & i hear apparantly the majority have... atleast 10%-15% of guys i meet are open about having had relations wit underage girls as its so common they see no reason to hide it and most were sexually experienced themselves by 16-17...murderer's aren't so common i agree but i'd say at the least 20% of men will go for it wit underage girls if given the chance.
  20. Yes, anything I've ever posted to a social network I would 100% be okay with my parents, or anyone for that matter, reading. I've always thought to myself, if I wouldn't want a specific person to read whatever I'm writing then I either need to rewrite what I'm saying or reevaluate what's important to me.

    For example when I was younger I posted a lot of moral/theological questions on social media. There were multiple times where I thought, "What if Mom reads this?" to which I then resolved to accept that the stuff I was posting was valid and were my beliefs. If my mother or father had an issue with that then good! It prompts them to talk to me about the issue and promotes an overall open atmosphere.