Is it ok if u drink blood?? NOT ME JUST SAYING!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by x_rose_x, Apr 2, 2012.

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  1. Define "cut cut."
  2. Maybe they will get the aids and die. Then poof no more emo's
  3. I cut my hand and drunk all the blood so does tht make me a vampire, crazy and an addict?

    Try it now today!
  4.  gosh I'm emo....
  5. @figure of death lol!!
  6. @figure of death lol thts just kinda plain weird... XD but it's cool for u... :3
  7. Why do people hate emo people anyways??!?
  8. Donate blood to the addicts today.

    (sighs) I'm thirsty man wat can I say.
  9. Because you do stupid **** like cut yourself. You're all like 14, why the **** would you cut yourself? You have no problems in life.
  10. Lol @figure lol drink normal stuff like soda!!! 
  11. @os-Raichu if thts how u spell it  u need chill... 0.0. Becuz ur really scarring me.... 0.0 and SOME EMO KIDS DON'T CUT THEM SELF!!!
  12. *u need to chill
  13. [​IMG]
  14. @Jesus s... T... F... U.... >.<
  15. Jesus you found the perfect pic
  16. @Jesus pfft atleast I have friends and don't ******* miss with other people...
  17. Whoa  I didn't know kaw had loners xD  u guys make me laugh
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