Is it ok - Harambe Killing.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moody, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. If it was your kid you'd save it? But it's not so F them right???? Lol humans life > gorilla bred in captivity life
  2. It couldn't have been tranqed, have you seen the video? It that kid got dragged so freaking fast... Also regardless of if you believe humans and animals are equal it's just not true and a human would protect their young off spring Rather than another species
  3. I look after my own above anyone else, and when it comes to protecting something or someone outside of the group of people I care about personally I'll use logic and reason over feelings.
    So yeah, I'd pick the gorilla over the kid.
  4. Your kid isn't better than their kid wtf get over yourself literally bs
  5. It's not about his kid being better, it's the fact the kid in the incident is a stranger to him. We care far more about those we know than strangers
  6. Thank you Sherlock, I forget that the ability to empathize with other humans is a foreign trait now-n-days.
    I just can't believe someone is saying if their kid fell in they'd kill the gorilla, but since it was someone else's they wouldn't? Let me know if I'm not comprehending what he's saying right because ????
  7. This!
    My kid is better than any other kid in MY eyes. Not to everyone, but to me. Same as my family is more important than anyone else's.
    I'm saying where I can use logic over feelings I will. I'd rather lose 0.0000000001 of the human race than a very rare animal.
  8. If it were up to me I'd have done what could have saved them both, maybe improvised, but I'd prioritise the gorilla over the kid.
    It might sound dark to you but to me it's just simple logic.
  9. "It's just simple logic" he repeats over and over again
    "Of course I'll save this captive bred animal than a human being! Except my own! Then that kid matters!!" He says as if it was his own kid the world would understand better.
    "It's just simple logic!" He preaches to himself over and over again.
    "A gorilla who was born in the zoo, is more important than any human being! They're fun to look at!!" He chants again and again, high school is hard, no one understands his dark humor. Maybe he's just too smart for his friends? That must be the case, that's the most logical explanation.
  10. The hell? You don't have to agree with other people's opinions, but you do have to accept them.
    A rare animal to me is much more important than a human stranger. That's just a simple fact. There's nothing wrong with it.
  11. I don't have to accept anything except for the fact that you're a moron who probably lacks social skills lol bye
  12. It does make sense with some logic. For example, 1 human is .000000000135% of the human population. 1 western lowland gorilla is about .000006% of theirs.

    Not saying to follow this, just noting it.
  13. If the gorilla wasn't bred in captivity and I was perhaps a gorilla I would care more. But since I'm a human and empathize with other humans I'm going to leave it at, yes it's sad a gorilla died, but human > animal
  14. I am not a moron and I don't lack anything to do with social skills. The hate people get for giving their opinions these days, Jesus. :/
  15. And that's your opinion. You're allowed to have it and there's nothing wrong with it. Same as I can have my one and there's nothing wrong with mine either.
  16. Here's an interesting tidbit - the Western Lowland Gorilla (of which Harambe is one) is classified as Critically Endangered - but population estimates are over 100,000 individuals.
  17. Do you understand what it means when I say the gorilla was bred in captivity
  18. Yes.
    But that doesn't make it any less important. Same as a refugee is no less important than Obama. All strangers have the same value to me, and all animals do too.
  19. No all strangers are less than animals too you
  20. Most strangers are less than an endangered species.
    That might look a bit contradictory, I said all animals are worth the same before but really I'd probably class endangered animals as more important.