Is it ok? - Animal Testing

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moody, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. I'm not arguing against animal testing. I'm arguing with your justification for it :lol:

    Wouldn't have a clue whether they do or they don't. I'm assuming you're trying to argue that they don't? So it's okay because they're not hunting their own species? Right I see now. Animal life is less valuable than human because they kill different species. But we kill each other, the same species, and that's okay?

    If you're saying that tigers do hunt their own species and that's okay then we should be able to hunt our own species.

    Either way your argument is moot.
  2. Most animal are killed/starve unless humans prevent it so what's it matter if we or another animal does it?
  3. Death is the end result for everyone then? Sweet, no worries about human testing then :roll:

    I think you're trying to say we're superior? If so, then yes. We will be as long as we can 'control' animals. Humans won't sacrifice themselves if they can sacrifice something else.
  4. I'm pretty sure animals had a fine enough life before humans started taking control of everything ;)
  5. I think we should just test everything on humans.
  6. I have two standpoints on the response you're making.
    One, I agree with this as since we humans stand to gain from the testing we should in fact be the one making the sacrifice. Plus results are more accurate when tested on actual humans compared to animals.
    However on the other hand - look what kind of people are you getting harmed. Definitely not the upper class people who will be tested on. It will most probably be rural or poor people from under developed countries that will be tested on. We are subjecting these people to inhumane testing conditions for poor to little pay and they will have no choice as they are desperately in need of money. In most cases, when unregulated these tests will cause a lot of pain and anguish and the poor AND uneducated people living in 3rd world countries will be exploited as firstly, they might not know what they are getting themselves into and they desperately need the cash.

    Edit: These poor people mp wont even stand anything to gain from the possible medical breakthrough achieved as these will only benefit a group of people - the rich. Through this you are creating a clearer socio economic divide between the rich and the poor. It would be even more obvious that the poor will be tested on and suffering in order for the rich to benefit
  7. Your arguments are very well thought out, and make a great deal of logical sense. But!

    I'm not anthropocentric. I simply don't believe humankind has as high a value as we seem to have allocated ourselves.
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No other species is so fascinated with control, with domination, and with destruction. It's not even that I love animals, I just think humankind should pay its own dues.
  8. Great points, Easy and Daphnia. Unfortunately another debate that has no right or wrong answer.
  9. Outstanding responses!

    Biologically speaking, we are no different from any other animal. We follow the same processes that they all do, we simply have gained enough intelligence to build fancier habitats, eat a greater variety of food at any given point and look into how we can preserve our own lives.

    Based on this, we should test anything meant for humans on humans.

    If we're looking at a cancer-treatment for a dog I would bet we don't test the drug on mice to see how they're effected first. We go straight for the dogs that need this help.

    Is there any real reason why this shouldn't be the case for human medicines other than our own state of self-importance?


    Submit your own IsItOk questions to my pm or wall and I will choose one for a new thread. It will be researched to provide insight from all angles :cool:
  10. Tbh test on humans would never work Bc we kill so many animals in drug testing that all we would do is wipe out the human population
  11. Also going straight to the dog in the start of testing will kill the dog down right but we learn from his death then move on
  12. Would we not also learn from the death of a human?
  13. Human beings can understand the universe. We are not just a bunch of brutish animals. Yes, we have a lot of problems within our society. But these problems wont be here forever.
  14. Those are the best ones!

    Humankind seems to have this strange predilection that we are all unique, special, and should live forever. Human life, and its endurance, is held as the highest moral virtue (and as such, the last point of call for testing).

    For example, the most intelligent students (by academic rankings) are funneled through institutions towards one goal: graduate as a doctor and devote their life preserving and continuing the human race. Imagine what a richer culture we would have if our greatest minds had been encouraged to explore other paths? I wonder what they could contribute to art, literature, and music? People focus on living forever rather then living well.

    So yup, I'm sort of agreeing on the self-importance thing.
  15. Where is ashes with his who hahs pics?? This topic has way too much reading and not enough images.....there has to be photos of experiments with implant ta tas before they were popular, right???
  16. I think old mate is onto something here
  17. I don't know that we're anymore advanced than fancy dogs. Yes we have the "my dog eats the best" I can buy coz I can't have kids, versus the my dog "bites people's faces" because I'm tuff, or it got out or any other plethora of excuse because the owner had to front court. Testing on animals, whilst necessary, doesn't make it right. #blacklivesmatter whilst there's plenty who think it's necessary, nobody has asked why black people continue to kill black people, or vice versa. The point I'm trying to make is that if we are the pinnacle of society, deciding on others, then by jeez we got a long way to go
  18. Op, I was at a zoo this on earth can you compare a monkey who was eating his own feces to a human? I get that we can sometimes compare humans to a dumb azz monkey, but come on. No way any animal is equal to us.....I am not condoning torture, but testing on an animal verses experimenting with human life. Not even close bud
  19. Drugs testing won't say it's awesome for humans works right! It mostly tells us... Yea it looks positive (then can be moved to human testing) or its gonna down right kill or not effective testing on animals isn't 100% but it will let us know if it's worth even taking to human trails of the many drugs come out every single day nearly just as many are dropped and deemed not worth the risk to go to human trails.