Is hitting someone multiple times Bullying?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Aug 22, 2015.

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  1. It's a war game first and foremost. Each player chooses how they wish to play it though. But being hit is not bullying it is a way of the game. There never has been a hit limit. Only a understood rule that more then 5hits in 24hrs is considered farming. Yet this is not law and not everyone abides by this and that's great because te game needs anarchy to some extent.
    Can't take the hits then quit the game and go play with barbies.
  2. Conclusion: Farming is considered bullying if the person is farming you for motive. But if he's farming you for fun, than that is when it's not considered bullying.

  3. Quick! Lock thread as op requested. Cant stand any more this trash from this troll.
  4. Why should we bully a eb they have feeling to :(
  5. It's a goddamn war game
  6. Simple truth kaw is pve & pvp.

    Any pvp game is about competing against each other. Pvp games like racing & a lot of sports games are competing generally who is faster.

    Pvp games like CoD, Kaw are based on attacking each other.

    These types of games are based on competing by testing ones build/skill against an opponent's build/skill.

    Farming frowned on by the community and is not a game rule. If we allow this to be classified as bullying. It will open the door for more abuse by mods.

    Some Mods use their position inappropriately already. Ie silencing ppl for wall spam or Noob rage bypass post on walls.

    You have control over who can post on your wall. As a player be responsible and delete post n block.

    Now if you find something offensive or bypass on someone's wall that was posted by wall owner; then report to a mod.
  7. No I'd come to a conclusion that you just whine if anyone hits you and call it bullying hoping they will be made to stop
  8. For the first time ever I would partially agree with salty.

    The missing part is malicious motive.
    Ie with the intention to force another player to quit the game, with no hope of a cf that is attainable.

    Pvp is totally acceptable in a war game.
    It's when it's done on a purely malicious basis as part of a campaign of personal hatred where it crosses a line and becomes questionable.

    Something that the majority of kaw do not accept thankfully. And why the true malicious bully is a rare thing.
    Anything that's out of hand can be reported to the devs. And hopefully they will act where appropriate.
    The rest is all fair play. After all the best way to play is to respect others even if you are tearing them a new one at the time.
    Each kingdom is a real player after all ( not going there ) so a little respect and a lot of fun goes a long way to a less toxic yet still fun environment
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