is foxes dead?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by cubfanbudman1, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. 13adp and 8sdp
  2. I have 11sdp lol
  3. Then my spies suck. xD.
  4. Ty for love taps 
  5. Lol @ the op. Its funny that even with less members, foxes hits more than all of the regulator "family" clans combined.

    OP is a joke :lol:
  6. How would you know that Oli youre not in regs
  7. Beow stop attempting to think, you're gonna hurt yourself. Go ask ladyboy (laoda) what you should do now please.
  8. My Swindler badge and the over 22k steals from this OSW alone disagrees with you Oli.

    Don't ever see reports of incoming from my news or clan mates. But hey, if you say you are must be true, right?

    Either way, to stay on topic, Foxes is a joke. Like somebody mentioned, it's a waste of a 120 member clan. But unless the Devs give clan owners the option to buy increased member slots, I guess we'll just keep making sure Foxes wastes theirs.

    Since I'm sure Oli and some other idiots are going to follow up with some junk about "WDGAF sucks" and other school yard banter, Regs won't be on this thread anymore.
  9. Oli maybe you should try think, and come up with a better insult.
  10. I don't even have to insult you, you do it for me :lol:

    iReg, that's cause I use my spies and I don't fail. :lol: no sdp to fail on anyways ;)
  11. If you say so Oli
  12. Can someone tell me the point in this thread
  13. iReg, keep you trash talk off forums.

    I feel a bit more moronic everytime I read one of your self gratifying senseless post. All you ever do is talk crap and spread crap propaganda.

    By the way, nice failed strip on me again. And hell only 30bil in allys bought when I am in the leaderboards with allies owned, 30 bill-ish is weak.

    Also to be honest, even with our low amount of players after the leadership fall out, I know we are doing something right ;) why else is regulators, Zaft, and the rest of WDGAF on us.

    Trust me Foxes isn't dead, and Our remaining members raise more hell and kick more ass than most.
    Now let this poorly written crap post die.
  14. They are neither dead or alive, what are they?
  15. Clicked on some links and I see I been missing out a lot in my inactivity..I missed the 'omg look at Blazey's turtle build' people like sugah get more sdt than I ever knew is useful lol hey, at least they kinda got the idea, even tho took em a while lol damn irag u beat me with sdt too

    I will not check back so plz don't waste ur time and save ur rage and insult attempts for ur clannies that still eb like there's no tomorrow
  16. Foxes rockSo this tread is useless.
  17. I hope Foxes appreciates Rusted Knight.
    Hell i hope they build bronze statues to him.
    He is way more than a clan with the ignoble history of Foxes deserves.
    Way more.

    I hope foxes never dies because... well... Fox hunting is a favorite sport of ours and it just wouldn't feel like KAW without it.

    Though the original leaders of foxes ran for the hills and left the current leadership in a lurch without giving a complete history of how their actions that earned their place in the farming world.
    Foxes does seem to be under different ownership with the qualities that make for good leaders.
    This ownership seems like it could have a chance to make something out of Foxes.
    But for now they seem to be taking responsibility for the history, failings, and misdeeds of their predecessors.
    I had hoped they would get a fresh start away from oG especially after having witnessed first hand some of oG's "less than scrupulous" actions. But so far they choose to stay and fight.
    I can understand that and bear them no ill will.
    However, it does not alter our course.

    and Cub, less Bourbon before hitting forums brotherman.
    Remember some good WDGAF members came to us from Foxes and other oG clans.
    Don't hate on all of them for the actions caused by a few leaders who let their battleship mouths overload their rowboat alliance.

    Have a great new year all.
    Fight Bravely, Laugh Often, Love Deeply, and hump as many legs as the lord puts in your path.
  18. Don't be an idiot, Rusted. I've got enough spare change to strip you completely when I need to.

    Your account is insignificant to me in the grand scheme of things. But I guess somebody plucked you a little. Cool story, princess.

    Was trying to stay off this thread because it does smell like Cub's liquor cabinet and Rusted's diarrhea of the mouth now. Any other comments can be sent directly to my newsfeed.

  19. @Blazey
    Don't check back but I'll respond anyway. I doubt you'll be able to restrain yourself from your usual nonsensical, self serving, paragraphless rants for long.

    I was tower build when we first fought. I've changed several times since then. Again (for the seemingly millionth time), Hayden was in osw with little bfa and beyond a tower build. He never hit anyone - that is what I mocked. Hiding out in another clan totally towered up and inactive. If you're gonna quote strive for at least a grain of accuracy. My God will you truly be butthurt forever? Sorry it was so traumatizing for you please go and make new enemies now to occupy your neurosis.

    Character assassination by taking comments out of context is weak.