Is BFE getting too strong?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hotngongo, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Unfortunately, you don't decide when someone is dts. The mechs of the game do that.
  2. Corsair's argument makes no sense...he hasn't smacked me...hasn't even tickled my nuts yet...and I'm still
  3. Jac bro shave yo legs.
  4. I grew my hair out just for winter.
  5. Just a question... if you got ass successfully, how do you know the mid roster players were doing it?
  6. If people think Corsairs bfe is terrible, then they're just being unreasonably critical. Most players in the game have less bfe. Most ACTIVE players is the game is less. People tend to make judgments based on their own personal experience, so if you play for SOTRA or R.Hawks, and you judged based on seeing the true top elite of the game, then sure, corsairs eq sucks, as does mine, and just about everyone else on this thread. Start thinking rationally.
  7. Corsair bfe is above average, and tbh to get mith eq you dont have to be a big spender and you can get lots of aqua/inferno doing the Top eb. I only spend money on xtals for ee (and the occasional big strip, 20 bucks per month usually last) and my eq is good.
    I just have put a LOT of work in ee that the average player dont feel like doing (dropping build countless time, wcing a war, ect.) to get it.
  8. People just want free eq and blame *big spenders* for eveything 
  9. No need to complain devs pretty much made equip to counter all the mith equips atk
    Those blue equips like Acc chest have high defense much like all scorpion armor
  10. Cam because they would fail at least once but still get through on others. It wasn't multiple people hitting me in the middle of the war every time. If you war enough you learn the incoming pattern
  11. Op I think multiple people were hitting you at the same time
  12. with HF lands get hansels attack bigger if they aren't sb then will always try assass ..... I agree 4m SDT maybe next requirement
  13. Just get 10m sdt like IMF 
  14. How do I get BFE and am I the right strength
  15. Bonus from equipment
  16. probably all the mith equip you have, high attack/low defence
  17. I don't really think bfe is getting out of hand, the red paladdin equipment is nearly matched by some of the more defensive orientated eb equipment.
    As for your towers hotn, i think their fine. I'm of the opinion that with the 1 hour plunder wars, towers are needed less than ever and only required in longer 2hr wars.
  18. Even maxing out all new eb equip ee equip still has a big lead on everyone else. Perhaps to counter it to make it more fair but still givev ee equip a edge still allow new eb equip to be enchanted a lvl or two beyond its max.
  19. Get bfa.... Your getting assnd by bigs