is anyone else sick if this tactic

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rikkimaru, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Here is how to beat the barcodes:
    If your clan is warring how they should, then they should be hitting numbered targets from cc that your trackers call out. And when you get a KO, it SHOULD be the target.

    If your clan are chasing KO's then yeah, barcodes will really mess your day up!
  2. Not a hard thing to overcome. Takes a little longer for trackers to fixed numbers.

    Android has a back button you can use to go back and forth from target to clan ranks.
  3. I agree. The last EE i was in there was about a 20/55 members with the same name with unnoticeable difference in how many of the same letter there is.
    I see it as an exploit in the system and members warring with this tactic should be banned as it ruins it for everyone else and takes the fun out of the estoc wars. However it gives the devs a bit of extra cash from name changes so no action will be taken.
  4. Ikr? one war, we were matched up with a clan that had this one dude with 10 alts named the same thing. I was like
    "u cereal?"
  5. Just need one person on PC to track... Problem solved. Simple 
  6. ^ That would be me. Lol
  7. Become a PC user copy and paste is the auto win against the barcode people
  8. The real "exploit" is what clans like we're screwed is doing. Stack their top with lb players and the rest with guild hansels.

    It's the exact same thing but opposite of what kaw admin made a forum post about recently regarding people using "reset accounts".

    You end up with medium size clans warring against a bunch of guild hansels that pay crap when you attack them but will burn the hell out of your troops and spies teamed up with lb players that nobody in those medium sized clans can beat. It's total garbage and I have absolutely no respect for any of the chumps in this clan.

    Juliak has been leader of empire for how long? And you leave your clan behind to go and fight like this? You're pathetic, all of ya in that clan are.

    That's what someone should be making a thread about.

    I'd love to strip farm these pussified lbers...Chumps.
  9. Thanks proph 
  10. Isn't it now against ToU ?
  11. Get over it! Its a tactic like many other!

    Devs won't change anything as they probably buy the nobs to change name!

    Personally, I think fair play to them!
  12. It's definitely annoying and a ***** to track, but it's how some clans win wars.

    I agree that not being able to see the full name - needs to be fixed.
  13. Fando- i agree its a great tactic. I also agree it's not going to be changed due to money in devs pocket. Well unless the banning of barcode filled clans increases the number of players fighting ee and buying xtals... But the devs can't guarantee that

    What a good money making move about this would be wait till those that do not barcode boycott ee, then make barcode filled clans bannable so all the barcodes have to change their names.
  14. Clumsy

    Even if barcodes IIIIIIIIIIII were banned, would that also stop people having IIIII_BlackArmy_lllll names? Because then they could have variations of the same name with different bars on the outside? Would you also stop people using an I as an L to have the same name, EagIe and Eagle, as an example! A moderator doing something similar!

    Problem is people complain they are beating the system, they aren't, they are playing the rules! People complain that they can't win and that it's 'annoying' or 'frustrating' or not enjoyable?

    Well tough, get organised and form a plan before the war starts about how to combat it! Its not ruining wars, its just making people think about how to get around the opposing clans tactic, how a war should be fought!

    I never heard any General complain that the other side were all dressed the same!
  15. Agree with Rikkimaru.

    While the tactic is possible to overcome, it does make war more frustrating and less fun. It would be a very easy matter for the developers to eliminate the frustration that the ridiculous names produce – with every clan message post the opponents #clan rank and name: instead of barcode name KO’d someone the cc post would be #clan rank: barcode name KO'd someone.

    IIMHO taking some of the frustration out of tracking would help make warring more fun.
  16. Can't ever understand why change to bar codes and lose your soul .signed teddy krueger
  17. It sounds like the main problem the op has is that he cannot quickly determine who is hitting him on iphone.

    So for all those saying it is easy on iphone, in fact, it is not. Those several extra seconds it takes is the equivalent of always having extra lag.

    But it was fun to read all of your know it all solutions that don't address his actual problem.
  18. Ban all names that aren't easy to find and track. Support to op