Discussion in 'Wars' started by --MR-FROSTY--, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Forums > Wars > page 7 or 8 > "OSV by Arex26rusb"

    Quit crying and fight...
  2. Cry baby lol
  3. I know what you mean bro! Was attacked by somebody in lb too.
    To me, as long as someone has 1.5 x of my stats, I'm sorry but I'm can't 1v1 them
  4. Frosty man up, pot up, mith up learn the game xtal or shut up it's your choice support
  5. Long story short? Are you kidding?
  6. Nice gif.. Forum warriors post gifs and cry about stats.. Maybe if you weren't so busy on forums posting dumb gifs you would learn how to fight
  7. Larry they are just havin fun :roll:
  8. chubby is one of two types of people.
    1. he's better than you because he has better stats :shock:
    2. little big man disease. (little *****, so he clearly needs to try and make up for his loss) :lol:

    after looking at his wall, it's clear to me that chubby pecker cant fight anyone near his size in stats!

    must really bother you that someone called you out and you cant do **** about it!
  9. 1 v1 includes alts. Some people are narrow minded op, the fact is if I spent time and money on making my alt, I'm going to use it.
    As for your predicament, your attacker is a pathetic, spineless shitty excuse for a human. He isn't even fit to be a dog. Most people like this are extremely weak in real life, and use games to try and be strong sonTGEY can bully, just ignore him and he will go away.
  10. Sounds like he has no spy def towers. Which you could ass him with full pots and/or pot burn him. Either way YOU could be the thorn in his side. Fight back and don't stop
  11. Not really flamerguyhard op was spamming wc with his clan ad I hit him once or twice he cursed at my wall.So I knew it bothered him so I kept tickling him
    That's one way to have in this game flamer sorry I don't RP like you
  12. Wow much butt hurt on this thread..

    Congrats OP you did the cry baby portion of the community a great service and offered up a guy cry thread for all of those that have experienced anal pain due to farming.. I encourage to come here and share their story of they felt they were bullied in a fighting game 
  13. Actually Chubby, if I see any request for rp I farm that player if they're within my range or report them if they specifically ask for it to be in violation if the Terms of Use.

    As for your pathetic actions, you can't justify them. Accept you're a wimp and move on.
  14. It's noob ragers like Flamer that keep me farming regularly.. It just so happens that most of the criers are in you small stat range

    Thank you for the entertainment.. Keep cries comin
  15. It's a war game 
  16. I am roughly 6m cs and the pathetic little **** is hitting ME!! :lol: 25m cs to 6m cs? You keep it up mate but with a 19m cs difference, I am requesting the developers make a change in hit ranges.
    And you guys thought Guild Hansels were bad. :lol:
  17. Who cares what his stats are. Hit back if you have an issue don't come to forums it will just get worse. If chubby hit me ( which he cant i tried :) ] I would fight back.