Discussion in 'Wars' started by --MR-FROSTY--, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. It's reactions like this that provoke the continuation of this pvp farming whatsydoodle, this is the desired response to induce a complaint due to butthurt so if it continued it's all your fault, and believe it or not you can take him not easily but that's where tactics come in, besides it keeps the game interesting
  2. As soon he goes inactive in the EB we can strip :lol:
  3. C'mon guys I only have 200b in bars how can I rebuy allies?
  4. He says as he hides is allies. lol
  5. If I remember correctly you don't have access to your alt Flames right now do you?
  6. too bad alt is 0ed too*
  7. This account is 242 moths off my goal I need to get some more :'(
  8. good night hope your strip on me goes well :p
  9. Dear OP,

    There could have been something wrong with the ad you posted in world chat. Maybe it was ugly or misaligned. Perhaps you should look into fixing whatever it was that was wrong with your ad to avoid someone from farming you in the future. Good luck with your future ad postings and happy KaWing!

  10. When u bring friends in to fight against one persons accounts, you may as well be telling them that they beat and out played you. One person is one person, if they put the work into building multiple accounts, that's part of the package when you choose to hit them.

    Just know when u get farmed by one guy and his two alts, then call ur friends for help, you've already lost.
  11. I think fighting someone who has no chance to win against you is pathetic since it isn't much of a fight and most people who do that don't really fight people their size because they don't like getting beat up.
  12. Yup, and the only way someone in that position standards chance against someone bigger is with alts, alts are part of 1v1 not an excuse to call friends cuz ur getting stomped
  13. Stands* damn autocorrect
  14. Sell all your defense pots. Bank the gold. Hit back every time you are on and have troops and spies. Do this until one if you breaks.

    Have fun. Banter back and forth if you like that. And don't take it personally.
  15. This is a frikkin war game. Use alts, friends, pots, items, create accts, blast his wall, PM whatever the hell you can. These rules about "1v1" and farming are BS. Those are just ways for pansies to get out of fighting cuz they'd rather hit an EB than risk having inc.

    Just remember the first rule of a gunfight: WIN (cheat if necessary)