Discussion in 'Wars' started by Khanny________________________, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. I even have a strong feeling that AAH has something to do with this. Probably they're the ones to put this meaningless doubts in ur minds ( iG council ). I even think its inter who might have started this as he even had tried it before by stating abt my alt and talking to iG council to get me out of yafi. thinking I'd have to chose between both. Idiot.
  2. Ate, I've never claimed to be more than who I am, nor have I claimed part of Foxes/iG lore of old.

    I've never defamed any iG personally outside of noting that 2 of your current council were removed and defamed from our family.

    I've come to respect and enjoy banter with you and yours.

    That said, your disrespect directed at me is what it is. I've known khan for quite some time, and have shown support to your clan as well through many wars.

    Have I fought beside you personally, as Khan did? No.

    That said, I would never condone booting, stripping, and farming one of my own without hearing both sides.

    I support Khan out of a mutual respect between warriors, not something sinister or insulting.

    Call me what you will. I'll support a friend before I support known dissenting enemies in council.

    ~joe_ Order of the Fox
  3. Please leave my Personal dealings with Khan out of things, because he and I have never had bad blood or exchanged ill words.

    Painting a picture that Khan is a "liar" and that I, myself am a "joke" is a gross misrepresentation of things, overall. Your new relationships show otherwise, ate. Alienating family will never help.
  4. Khan much respect from here i left a clan who would only let me stay if i dropped an ally multiple times so owner could hire a good ally cheaply
  5. Thanks joe!!!
    The world should know we r good buddies...!  
    And Thanx for the support.

    The only reason that I created this thread was bcos I was very upset, tired of getting embarassed again and again , frustrated and angry.
    But well, what's done is done.... Shite happens! Time to move on I guess....

  6. @ hobbit

    Wth...... That SUCKssss!!!! Kick his *whatever u want!* 
  7. Why is iG's, Osiris', AAH's, FNF, and NBN leaders all in one clan looks kind of funny.
  8. IG will be a dead clan when Assiss _ballE_ and QueenVasia go broke from spending so much money but right now there getting really good deals on xtals so who knows...
  9. @trojan

    They're all allies of iG. Ofcourse, members of allied clans visit.
  10. @Trojan

    According to me and what I hve seen,
    IG would not go dead but they would get back to thier originality. 
  11. Hey used Trojan, do you like the taste of iG in your mouth? Then keep us out of it. Funny how these little s talk trash.
  12. Lol bright I've warred iG twice i think I know what I'm going up against I'm also a perm farm and i haven't been hit at all so...
  13. 1st off peewee your way to small to ever get put on perm farm. 2nd there's only 1 name of our clan page as perm farm, ie learn to read. 3rd so what you warred an iG sub clan omg your awesome. Grow peewee and I'll show u how to turn pure spy *kisses* iG loves you...
  14. I think you both should discuss abt it else where
  15. Oh khan  sad to see you leave . But then again u used to run UAE n a great leader iG sure will miss someone like you  . GL in everything 
  16. hi funny thread cool story bros
  17. Lol thnx vermi
  18. @hottie

    Thanks for your opinion
  19. :oops: I think it's fair to say when you are online and active you're a force to be reckoned with.However real life as always comes first. :) IG should be sad they've lost you especially having been loyal to them for that long. I guess it doesn't matter now just enjoy the game Khann <3