Iowa Primary

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. I'm still a strong Rand supporter. My list goes Rand, Cruz, Rubio Trump. That being said, Iowa is a completely over hyped state.
    That being said I won a 3/2 bet crux wins Iowa and I have 11/1 money on kasich winning New Hampshire
  2. 13 precincts left... there is a 2 delegate difference between them. Less than 0.14 percent difference.

    3 counties have tied.
    Closest election I have ever seen.
  3. Also another reason why universal education and health care are awesome is its effective. I mean look at Soviet Russia, China, North Korea, and Cuba. They all provided standard everything! Everything is basically equal crap in terms of the health care and education you'll be getting. I can't wait because all the good doctors won't be in the United States nor will our education system get any better. So we can all be equally sick and stupid, #FeelTheBern

    I'll go vote for Vernon Supreme and get my free poney.
  4. An effective social program is bad because a dictatorship had the same program? Wow. Great point.

    You win. Trump 2016.
  5. I dislike Trump, such a bigot, I come from a hard working family of Mexican immigrants. So I like Rubio who wants to focus on building the American families of the middle class.

  6. Rubio is prob the worst of all the candidates. He says and does whatever fox news wants hes not for the middle class...he just wants to pretend hes the anti-trump.
  7. I love how much that sums up trumps supporters.

    "Stupid, overly - entitled white kids"
  8. You are afraid that if one gets funds from oil companies is going to give subsidies to oil industry. But what guarantee you have that the one who is funding his campaign by his own is not going to give free subsidies to his very own companies?
  9. Trump or Cruz all the way democrats is gonna ruin the country even more as Obama did
  10. Politics gives me a head ache.
  11. ...they all suck lol
  12. You are obviously well versed in McCarthy era prattle. Its okay, one day you can actually learn what Bernie is about and you might even understand it. Until then have fun in the 1950s!
  13. The day Clinton becomes president is the day that USA will no longer be American
  14. Trump said months ago that if he wins Iowa, he has a chance to win every state. So, he obviously knew he wouldn't do amazing in Iowa, he also declared it as a victory for himself still.
  15. And trump isn't what he is said to be, as most educated people know, the media is mainly liberal and they spin off and play him out to be worse than he is. Watch a republican primary debate and see if you still think he is a bigot.
  16. And trump isn't what he is said to be, as most educated people know, the media is mainly liberal and they spin off and play him out to be worse than he is. Watch a republican primary debate and see if you still think he is a bigot.
  17. And trump isn't what he is said to be, as most educated people know, the media is mainly liberal and they spin off and play him out to be worse than he is. Watch a republican primary debate and see if you still think he is a bigot.
  18. The root of the problem in America is our school systems, especially English and science and history classes! Think about it! Everything we, and our kids have been taught is from one point of view, and we are so narrow minded because of this. We only see things in one way and that isn't how you can be a successful problem solver. Our core science, history, and English classes only teach liberal principles. We always see that so many young people are voting democrat, and that's because our school system practically brainwashes these liberal concepts into our brains and makes kids think in a liberal manor.

    Truth is, NOT EVERYONE IS EQUAL. But our school system tries to pick at this by favoring some people, and teaching everyone that we have to please everyone. Being taught that we can solve world hunger is ignorant. You can only provide within your own means. We cannot keep trying to help everyone around the would out, if we weren't over $18,000,000,000,000 is debt as a country, maybe we could consider helping other countries out. We simply cannot afford to help everyone in every situation. Without different social and economical classes we would be in a socialistic society where we would all be worth the same, which cannot happen because we can't have a doctor be worth the same as a guy flipping burgers. There has to be a natural order in society.

    If the soon to be convicted, Hilary Clinton is elected, she will do the EXACT same thing her husband did in office.....LIE. It's all the Clinton family is good for, especially Hilary. Countless times she has changed her opinion on topics just to game popularity! She has proven she cannot be trusted with the entire email scandal, how the Fvck can we trust her to have complete control over our military? And Bernie. Oh Bernie. He is the EXACT definition of the problem I mentioned before. He is a socialist, tries to help everyone, good at heart, but ignorant to think that h can solve the worlds problems like this. We have a natural order and physically cannot function in society without haveing classes of economical structure. If Bernie is elected, he wil LITERALLY "Bern the house down" leaving us in more debt to China and Japan. If either of the 2 democrats are elected, we will be over 50 trillion dollars in debt at the end of their term, and it will then be irreversible.

    Now, by this point I think you all can assume i am conservative, but here is the truth people CANNOT deny. We as a country are in so much debt, if we elect another liberal to throw away our money, we will be in a spot where no one can fix the hole we have dug for ourselves. We need a person who has ties and is good with money, and honest to run this country for the next 4 years. We simply cannot allow another person to come in, waste 4 years, and make only negative progress. There is a reason we have such jokes running for president this year, it's because we are in such a bad spot, no politician wants to be held responsible to fix the mistakes that Obama has mad in office. Hopefully this November Obama's slogan will finally come true, "Change," because this is what we're gonna need to fix this shît we are in right now.