So, you'd be a democrat cross over if trump won the nomination? That's very interesting. I wonder how large the cross over democrat numbers would be if a trump run became real
Was going to say this in my before post . Nobody knows who will win in early stages . I thought trump would have around 35% and he ended up dropping to 24% if I'm not mistaken. Even then there is still a lot more that could happen for any of the candidates .
Iowa isn't indicative on what will happen on Super Tuesday. While I'd hope the GOP would nominate Cruz, I know the party is bitterly split, and has been since 2008 from Ron Paul's campaign starting the libertarian push. Kentucky votes the Saturday after Super Tuesday (dubbed SEC Primary). Hopefully it'll look well after that. If Trump gets the nomination, i'm leaving the GOP and going independent.
although to have a feeling of importance and influence on the electorial college . Theoretorically speaking they can vote either way which gives our votes little to no meaning Correct me if im wrong, but it was al gore vs bush where gore won the popular vote but bush won the electorial college votes
IMO half (or 25%) of the Bernie supporters would switch to Trump in a Trump/Clinton general election. Bernie's main message has been against government corruption. Big banks have literally payed Clinton $200,000 per hour for her to make speeches for them. She represents the very thing that Sanders supporters are against.
Electorial college could change their vote, but they are subject to fines if they do. That is why Bush won, because the electorial votes is a winner takes all system. It's a check and balance so that neither the People or Government have unchecked powers when electing a president.
Hillary is no slam dunk. I don't think the dems are real excited about her. America doesn't want legacy rulers. No more bushes or clintons please. That's the vibe I've been getting anyway.
Trump was never going to win Iowa. Iowa doesn't mean anything and never determines the presidential race. Trump 2016
Had trump won Iowa, the trumpkins would all be touting how important Iowa was, but, since he lost, the trumpkins will say it means nothing lol
@moose Tell me how often Iowa determines the presidential race in recent times? I mean didn't they pick Huckabee a few years back? :lol:
Millennials are all in for Hillary. She's pulling the rainbow voters. She'll stop at nothing to keep them. I'm expecting her campaign to reveal a relationship between her and Huma before the general election if she wins the primary. That's how far she'll go. Eye tuck surgery during Benghazi hearings, lift jobs.. She's spent too much coin to lose to Bernie the hunchback.
Universe, 2/3 democrat millenials support Bernie Sanders. Not sure where you are getting your info from
Interesting. Last polls i see are 2 months old in google search. I guess free college (paid for by me) gets votes.
Sanders sickens me, nothing is free, someone else is paying for it. Which means higher taxes, there are not enough rich ppl to pay for expensive programs like this. You want the rich to have more money so they can create more jobs. More jobs means a healthy economy capable of growth. I don't like either party I want the state to help people who need the help but we need a better welfare system. Too many welfare pigs are taking up money, we could spend less on our military and spend more on our National parks and out dated highways and freeways. I like Rubio he's young and wants to base his campaigns on improving life for families. None of this communism bull **** and no Facist government either.
I'm a conservative but you're talking Raegonomics and trickle down ...I think the last 8 years starting with the bailouts has proven this to be false.
Had trump have won iowa ot just would have meant it was going to be a landslide victory overall for him....this just means it will be a little closer in the religious whack job states
The thing about trickle-down economics is that it has never been proven to work. Since its implementation, things have only gone downhill for the average person. Deregulation of industry is the very thing that I find wrong with America's economy and political system. Universal health care is simply a more efficient system. Everyone in the country who makes less than $200,000 would save about $3-5k at least per year on health care. It's more efficient because you elimitate the inefficiencies associated with advertising, you prevent people from going to the emergency room (super costly), you have collective purchasing of prescription drugs to lower drug costs, and the cheaper prescription drugs prevent even more emergency room visits due to more people being able to afford health care. Furthermore, there will be less sick days... making the economy more efficient. Universal college tuition is pretty cheap to add, as well. By cutting military spending by just a few percentage points, it could be paid off that way. After 20-30 years it will basically pay for itself from the additional income generated by more educated and skilled workers.