's a full £1.00 increase for 6 xstals so I would like a better explanation for such an increase in price
Apple doesn't dictate the prices for ATA's game. What Apple dictate is curency rate exchange and price tiers. And that's what hurts people outside USA.
ATA didn't changed any price. Prices in USD are the same. What is changesd is currency rate exchange used by Apple.
At kaw Can you not compensate your customers by offering each region a free addition to each purchase to make each purchase value for money. A set level of xtals per customer in each country so that whilst apple steal from your customers, we are then not victimised and still feel inlcined to make purchases as we get equal value to our real expenditure as players from the USA. If we have to pay more surely we should get more. Short of buying new android devices that's the only way I can see to make this fair on customers affected.
Ok so read up this. The developers have no choice in rising the in app prices it's down to apple. Don't believe me look on line at the Gaurdian news it's all there. Apple have to pay the VAT from the country which the person buying the in app purchases is in rather than having to pay the VAT from the profits they make in which it operates from, in which case for Europe they are in Luxembourg which has a very low VAT rate hence why they operate there. So rather than eating into their profits paying the higher VAT in other countries like Ireland and the Uk etc etc they are pushing this on to the consumers to pay for hence why prices have risen. All I can say is I need a new phone.... I have to pay for an iPhone or get any other phone in the shop for free an get a cheaper contract............. Also If I buy an iPhone I will pay higher in app purchases...... One thing to say............... Bye apple!
Enjoy your Android for ummm... 2-3 weeks. 1 month top. If this price increase is your only reason to chose Android, thing twice. Google will follow Apple soon. They always do.
50 nobs £3.99 10 nobs £0.79 5x0.79 = 3.95 Someone explain that to me and tell me it's to do with VAT or FX rates. My buying days are over
Apple is using price tiers. For UK market that 3.95£ is between 3.49 and 3.99£ tiers hence Apple is putting the 50nobs pack in 3.99£ tier.
But the £ is stronger than the $ so how come UK player pay more and we pay more VAT, we should be compensated for the price increase at least, it's been like this for ages
Vlad it might happen but the other thing I was getting at is apple is expensive. You can't get the phone free unless you pay through the nose every month for 24 months and when you do pay for a phone your still paying nearly 40 a month. I currently pay 10.50 a month why do I want to pay nearly 30 a month more for something ill use just as much as this one?? I don't.