iOS Price Changes (EU, CA, NO, IS, RU)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. I've paid enough now. Raising 25% on xstall it's not ok.
    I will not buy anymore and probably leave the game.
  2. You guys realize that APPLE is raising the tax, not ATA, right?
  3. What better do that for me? Apple,ATA? What ever. It's my money and hard work to play. Enough now.
  4. You don't have to buy xtals to play ;)
  5. Well i have to thank the devs for making it easy for me thx!! my activity Gonna drop and not a Penny Goes your way thx! I think my girlfriend is Gonna be The winner
  6. $100 for 168 xtals is £66 not £80 :!:
  7. As far as I know is not possible to offer discounts/special packages on selected market. The only way is to offer special packages in all markets. But the problem will still remain: the gap between what EU players are paying and what US players are paying will still be there.
    Another thing that people needs to understand is nothing from these price increases goes to ATA's pockets. Even if you might end to actually pay $2 for an $1 health crystal, ATA will still get only $0.7. The rest will go on taxes and Apple's pocket due their unreal curency rate exchange and thier price tier system.
    And those with "go Android" don't you worry. Google will follow Apple soon. And Amazon too. Google is no better than Apple. They just always let Apple to do the first step and wait just a little to let people to complain about big bad wolf Apple.
  8. Apple have a neck like a jockeys bollox. They are paying next to nothing in tax in my country. Greed is good. But ATA could help out their loyal players by making a seal 50 nobs and not 59 as it currently is
  9. This price increase is a joke and completely unjustified. I'm not spending a penny more on this game until you sort this out you greedy bastards.
  10. jokes over jokes here...

  11. it's all bull **** ATA set increase nothing to do with apple the pound is strong and vat still the same so sould come down not increase by 25%
  12. These changes were indeed set by Apple who sets the available pricing tiers of purchases. Essentially we set a price based on USD and they set the prices in other countries based on their rates.

    Here is an article about the changes.
  13. 50 nob = $5 right? So why are we expected to pay $6.04 and that link is just to a blank page
  14. KaW should make the price even for their in-app purchases...its totally unfair that some player need to pay more n some less
  15. We pay more we should get more until this happens you don't get a penny from me. Hope everyone in uk/eu does the same boycott in till they give us more for the $1.04 they want us to pay
  16. What I find funny is current exchange rate for the uk is $1 to £0.65 which means $99 equals £65.29 which means we were over paying before now we are overpaying even more on the top level crystal package... Means no more spending for me  we should not have to pay more than another country when we do not receive any more than them
  17. Just get a freaking android device if you don't want to pay more. Why stick with an apple phone then if you don't want more?!?!
  18. It's because of the week dollar Nothing to do with vat rates. Ata should absorb this. You make enough money from EUROPEAN players

  19. I don't like android phones that's why I don't have one 
  20. Im on IPhone but my contract is up, I'm now considering going to android