iOS Price Changes (EU, CA, NO, IS, RU)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. And Apple is bullshiting once again... Indeed the exchange rate must be adjusted (past year Euro went from 1.35 USD to less than 1.20USD). But VAT adjustment? Really? Well countries from European Union have different VAT. So how can make adjustments considering VAT on whole European Union?
  2. Each one will be changed accordingly isn't it obvious?

    Let alone the fact they won't know the answer to your question cos it's nothing to do with them.
  3. First of all my post wasn't a question to ATA. I do know that ATA have no control over currency exchange used by Apple in different countries.
    About being obviously that each one will be changed accordingly, no is not. Apple announced an overall price increase in European Union and provided as a reason adjustments of VAT rates. European Union countries are using different VAT rates. In some countries VAT was not changed for years. In other countries VAT actually decreased.
  4. I thought you would have found sense while typing that, But you didn't.

    If I'm in France and I buy some nobs, then go UK, there might be a 10¢ difference in price. VAT will be calculated on where you are, and they're touching up on the Forex rates.
  5. Everyone move to Iceland.
  6. Stuff apple go android
  7. Wow as if it didn't cost much already
  8. What if Ata was one of us 
  9. As if apple did not treat iOS customers unfairly enough.
    I'm glad that kaw can see the problem and warn their customers in advance. Will we be able to avoid these price hikes by purchasing via PC or linking accounts to android devices?
  11. Kaw_admin/kaw_community
    May I ask, the AUD is 0.810¢ to the USD. When will our price increase? Not that I want it to, but to know when I should unload on the cc before I get hit with money increase?
  12. So.. who's moving to Iceland with me?
  13. I volunteer as tribute
  14. Again... Apple announced a price increase in European Union countries not in SOME European Union countries. Most of increases of VAT happened in 2008-2009. A price increase now to adjust VAT chances? C' really thing that Apple was loosing money for 5-6 years?
    The only thing is that is changed is that starting 1st January 2015 Apple must charge according the VAT rates in place in the EU countries where they are selling. Until now Apple was charging the VAT in place in Ireland (23%). But guess what!? There's only 6 out of 27 European Union countries that are using a VAT higher than 23%. So actually the price should decrease in 18 European Countries or stay the same in 3 European Countries that are using same VAT rate as Ireland (23%). For example as of today the UK customers are paying a 23% VAT for their digital purchases from App Store. With the new rule they will pay the VAT rate in place in UK (20%) so the price for their purchases should actually decrease.
  15. I thought that CA was CALIFORNIA...
  16. Oy kaw comm, Chart us up some numbers with those keyboard wizard skills, thanks champ..
  17. But I'm native...where can I input my status information to avoid these increases :p
  18. Can u verify if there are n fact any kawers in Iceland o.0 :eek:
  19. Every1 in Eurozone should not buy Nobs etc with an Apple device. By PC U pay $ 1,99 for 20 Nobs. Using your apple device than u pay € 1,99...