Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by I_demon_rule_over_babys_body, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. said something beginning? now they claim to be god is proved
  2. Um any admin is like a god just saying then the owner is like the creator haha
  3. They did claim to be god. But as it was just stated parts of the convos were missing. But this seems enough information to prove your original point of them being disrespectful.
  4. Doesn't that make the owner God, and the admins.... Archangels?
  5. basically we buy seals with real money to be to this "we are god" so basically we are trash and they just sit there making cash on our back admins are asked to seal 2 times a month (14 free days) and we are said that they are gods without sealers "gods" are nothing we deserve respect not some shitty comment like these specially when its shown on the ss that we merely ask the same respect than others
  6. Ok now, why were you insulted? So, an admin went crazy and started insulting you all of the sudden? Sounds legit.
  7. You want the respect of others that you so desperately ask for?

  8. no admins are god and owner is a lazy ass (she claimed it herself in pm she was proud of it) lol
  9. the ss number 4 and number 5 are the convo if u read carefully yoshiko? sorry ur username is confusing
  10. This is getting a bit more interesting
  11. 4 and 5 Are Handpicked parts of the conversation..
  12. el_cid i was insulted cuz i asked them twice to update my pass in 10 minutes -_- i also have the ss lol i was going to bed i said it and i said "now now admins can u updtde my pass" then around 10min later i said "still waiting for my pass" (they were in cc) and then i got insulted by admins
  13. It doesn't matter if admins seal or not. That's none of your business. As long as you are getting the days of hte they promise.
  14. The ss that bugs me most is the last one on page 7. When Dali said "Mono you better back down even if Kandy. Was in the wrong she is admin !!" I understand admins are admins for a reason, but that is no excuse for whatever happened.

    Ex: I just killed a man. Buts its ok because I am an admin.

    Ok that's not the best point, but you get the idea.
  15. i did not get my days el_cid look my wall my pass still there and they kicked me
  16. Where was THIS in those SS?
  17. the beginner i also have a ss of owner saying she wont do anything if kandy insult members cuz she is a good admin wanna see it?
  18. i show u hold on i got to send it to the guy on line for him to convert it so i can post it there any other request for a ss? say it now wont do it 10000 times xD
  19. also yoshihiko the cutted word in ss 1 is a cursed words he censured it xD