Introducing the Crux Crate

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. When do the crux chests expire caus I wanna make sure I use all of mine before they're gone
  2. They don't.
  3. Can you drop crux plate lock pits from HTE
  4. Why ive never got rare, legendary or uncomon reward? 
  5. I agree. I can't save up my gold for big allies and upgrads
  6. Devs were poor lol
  7. Why do I not have crate keys in marketplace. I have 2 more to open.
  8. The event is finished.
  9. The event is over, and you never got rare rewards because well...then they wouldn't be rare
  10. what a rubbish christmas present from KAW - a bunch of messages saying all my stuff (shards and crates) have expired ... thanks :-(