How about making psion something that drops as a legendary reward? Would let some of us w incompletely upgraded psion rings have a chance to finish them rather than being in perm limbo....
take it from me guys. the crux chest +200% plunder boost and the promo item chest do not stack plunder bonuses. rip my crux chest, and 10 nobs for key.
Cut the crap and raise the daily limit on opening boxes for the good of all. Event has only started and I got 2 boxes on my first eb. At this rate I'll hate 40 by end of today. So for all who play, from #1 on leaderboard all the way down to the noob in grey in WC, raise the daily limit.
Devs will not raise the key limit, trust me here personal experience with the Halloween event. After emailing the devs with the complaint, and even offering them a sure fire solution to make everyone happy and raise there profit margin. They waited until the last couple days and raised it to 2 boxes (big fricken wow right?) My idea was make it 3-4 open a day for free. Then make golden keys yeild better drop rates. This gives none paying players rewards and increases nobs for better item drops! Simple right? Of course they would not implement my idea, instead referring me to make a forum thread (which I did), post on others threads (which I did including there thread), then proceeded to post on the "account". All for what? After several heated emails back and fourth with the devs (let's face facts, they try to stay as completely vague as possible) it yeilded absolutely no results! Infact this is another chance at a PvP event as we'll, give players a Opt in option. Make them drop keys (or lock picks) at random! Let them keep tokens (Face facts, hte clans would be #1 targets for token farms) but let us have more than 1 free box every 24 hours! Hell I'm willing to farm and be farmed over the chance for a free key.
Need the opening of crates to be every 12 hrs instead. Too many people lost out on their chests the last time and had them taken away.