Introducing the Black Market

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Moody, Mar 6, 2015.

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  1. Very well laid out idea brought to forums. Would be a nice addition to KAW.
  2. After reading replies to this post, I think that the whole 'auction' idea would be good as a secondary option, because if everything was auction only the players with the most gold would always get the items, giving bigger players a huge advantage over smaller players.
  3. Bigger players would be the sellers most likely.
  4. I agree I wouldn't mind buying the bow from tgl (just for my equip collection) or the breast plate from destroyer (same theory) but the idea of trading my 7 unneeded scrolls for ones I can use you be great.
  5. It would be really useful in the sense that you could sell all that useless Aqua and buy inferno. Or those ever evasive banners.
  6. Exactly, people have tried finding reasons to complain (at exploits, players getting equip to easily ect.) At the end of the day this is a great idea. While I can see players getting mad about the tgl bow being easily bought, what's worse? That its bought and 2 people benefited or the story of the player that had 1 action all of the eb and got the only drop? Seriously that would make me considerably more frustrated than knowing a player bought there's and two people benefited instead of just one.
  7. Unneeded EQ all the rest is earned.
    No shortcuts.
  8. ❄️Support❄️
  9. Who's to say what's needed and what's not? Maybe you want to reset and dont need any of it? Maybe you only want/need newest war/promo equip. That would render everything else obsolete.
  11. Define "unneeded equipment"
  12. This.

    We spend a lot of our time on this game dealing with luck. Why shouldn't the players get something back and take fate into our own hands? I can agree that fought for equipment from events where luck wasn't the factor but time, effort and money were should not be available on the BM. however, the equipment from EBs and outdated war equipment should be available if players are wishing to sell it.
    There is no obligation to sell
  13. Unneeded EQ is say my Arachnidian Greaves.
    Mith EQ is not classified as unneeded as can be bought at the alchemist. I'm all for EQ being bought n sold but eg Inferno can be bought so cannot be sold
  14. Unneeded equip is a broad term that describes ANYTHING you no longer use or want. I believe mith equip should be able to be sold along with promo equip. However only at base level. If they want to enchant it let them war. It is strictly up to the seller what to sell. No one is forcing them to sell there equip. It's strictly optional so they can turn a profit for there own gain benefiting both buyer & seller.
  15. I would also suggest eq wouldn't carry over any enchants. It would be reset to it's original stats/level.
  16. Imagine how many alts there would be in war if you could sell mith 
  17. Imagine how many small players period would start warring with the equip to enchant it.
  18. Sure enchants r not carried over if sold.
    Also a Black Market can start off slowly n see how it goes n then add more items if all goes well. Better that way before any issues arise n need back tracking.
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