Your thread suggests a problem that is non-existent. Then moves on to where ppl circumvent the game n can buy what others may have taken years to acquire. I propose an Auction House I suggest sellers donate ONLY n auction off to the highest bidder. Sellers have no motivation other than helping the winning bidder.......Sign me up Say auctioned items has a 6-8hr time limit for example. If ppl are carrying inventory they deem not wanted its offered to those that do want it. If not an auction not for profit there r many issues I have with this idea. IMO an auction leaves less opportunity to exploits or manipulation is why. Equal opportunity is my idea for newer n smaller ppl to engage more into KaW n do hope that warring benefits greatly n encourages them. No losers in this proposition whilst achieving some good will to others. Ulterior motives have no part either.
I just thought, some had a point that, you work hard for it then the others would just trade gold easily for it. I suggest to make it trade equipments other than gold bars or gold. I didn't mean to say to 'remove' the gold bars and gold, I meant to say that the other equipments they have find for a long time be trade fairly enough. Still support though if my request has been answered...
I think that this is a great idea. It would give everyone a chance to get some really nice equipment. And it would be easy to spot the ones trying to exploit the system. I am not going to pay 600 bill for hoves. And you would know that most people are only going to want to deal with the high end equipment. Support support support. Devs please give this to us
Support but maybe to boost pvp further we could earn black market pvp tokens when attacking others, then save 10 of these tokens would be equal to a gold bar just an idea
That would be interesting but I think the person donating the equip for action should get some profit, like maybe 10% or something
Auction is a good idea but i would suggest a sell now option and a cap to every equipment before illegal gold traders come in... similar to EA FIFA 15 transfer market.. cheers