If properly policed this can be good. No clue if the devs will follow through on punishment towards mods giving these out to friends. But that’s in execution and will be called out when it happens, possibly. Side question. Can we farm mods for having the boxes as long as we don’t farm them for the boxes. Just asking to clear up any and all gray spots because some of us like playing the line.
Lmao saying that you aren’t allowed to farm mods to try and get a box or you’ll get banned. You guys are acting like farming is illegal. This is p sad
I think its a simple concept. Mods are replacing ata system for boxes to reward for xmas and have fun with players. Hit a mod. Dont ask for a dox. Simple as that. Dont ask for a box in general.
That’s not bias, cause then every player that has someone blocked is bias as well and that’s a ton of bias in the community already if so. Don’t forget mods are players like everyone else so we use the block feature as everyone does. Most people that get blocked are for reasons unbecoming a friend in kaw, and the unbecoming attitudes don’t promote positive. Also though blocks are also used to track players in many cases for easy find.
So basically, this is "Unbiased". Oh wait, the mod running the give aways in wc, but they have me blocked. So now I Forfiet my chance to win that I was told was unbiased & have to hope I win one in forums? Ridiculous, you can't give those powers out then say "oh well if they have you blocked. To bad, just try in a different area." Then claim being Unbiased. That IMMEDIATELY, sets a standard of being biased based on previous reasons mods have blocked. All the while, saying chests will be given out based on "Fair" reasons. Only way this will remotely have the smallest chance of working, is IF mods unblock EVERYONE so that they can have a fair & honest chance. I agree mods have the right to block just like everyone else. However, based around new powers & events happening. Mods should be absolutely required to unlock & give their list a second chance to compete on the same even grounds as everyone else. If they screw up & get blocked again, then it's fair. However as it stands, it's completely biased.
No support. “Players who help the community” is such a player by player point of view. I thought this is why we had mods, and valiant knights to begin with! I would support for contests. I always enjoy seeing choccy throw a contest, or what not in the forums; and I guess some exclusive loot would make it even more fun. But we should just keep it to valiant knight status imo for “players who help the community”
In all seriousness I can’t believe what I’m hearing on being blocked by a mod... this is childish as it’s gets especially all the mod haters jumping the bandwagon to try to get free stuff from those that are or now were so anti-moderator about. Anyone care to think if a mod is holding a contest you win and are blocked, perhaps another mod can step in and give the reward that don’t have you blocked? There is more than one moderator in kaw believe it or not.
Umm, do you remember that you can't actually see people you blocked in wc? Makes it a bit difficult if they awnser first & you umm CANT ACTUALLY SEE THEM AWNSER. Oh, plus I still stand by my own theory about mods needing to unblock people as your suggestion would only cause more confusion. Mod A. Asks Question Player A. Blocked awnsers correctly first. Mod B. Rewards them Player B. Unblocked awnsers correctly Mod A. Rewards player B Not a hard equation, if your giving away prizes you should unblock so you can fairly see all awnsers. Otherwise, it causes confusion as either wrong players are rewarded OR mods have to communicate just to get the right player when unblocking would easily have been the best conclusion. *added note* what if one players blocked by multiple mods & the one that can see them isn't around in Wc? Or Multiple mods are not currently monitoring wc? That unfairly gives others advantage because mods can't see EVERYONE actually try & awnser.
I won't do it but everyone complaining about being blocked only makes me want to block more... Just saying.
That’s up to the mod and f to do so and with that being said then by you which is a good way to do it then why all the crying on forums over it? Also my other statement stands another mod can take care of the reward it’s not hard to have several mods on during event if time permits. This why people that talk trash end up down this path they get blocked and now with freebies abound they come out crying more because of something they did to retain a block. The rewards are for people that also help the community not just for contests. Those that have tarnished attitudes about anything that was positively said, mentioned for the better of kaw did it to themselves being that way rather than a positive force. Not saying people can’t change, but I’ll probably have these chests for a long time before handing out by the way I seen nothing but negativity when it comes to making the game and community better by the people that are obviously complaining.